The Results of the Usual Suspects Poker Tournament

BigLouie's Avatar
First a big thanks to everyone who showed up. It was disappointing to have so many no-shows but those who did attend had a great time.

Shout-outs to our two lovely lady dealers. They looked especially hot last night. Thanks to the ladies who showed up. We were awash in blond hotties.

In reverse order the final standings. Note that "guest" are not listed. Only board members.

7. - Falstaff - First time player who just got short stacked at the end.
6. - Bowser - Got to spend most of the night sitting next to the super hot dealer. Caught a bad beat and busted out.
5. - Eastern Player - A "made man", one of the long time members came back for a play. Went all in with King-Queen suited only to find a big stack with Aces. Ouch!
4. - Big Louie - Went all in with a pair of 10's and RDodger hit a straight on the river to bust me out.
3. - JediWeb - Made it in from out of town just in time to play. A solid player who has done well in all tournaments. Could not keep up with the big stacks at the end.
2.- RDodger - One of the original ASPD mods from the beginning. First social in a lot of years. Chip and a Chair. Was about to bust out one short of the money and went all in with his last chip. Got two callers who checked it down. He turned over Aces to win, then went all in with 10-4 off suit and flopped two pair and doubled. One more double and he comes in second. Truely a remarkable finish.
1. - Texas Gambler - Always a force at the tables. Built up a big stack and used it to steal blinds and ante's. A few bust out and was the chip leader when it was time to go home.
Falstaff's Avatar
7. - Falstaff - First time player who just got short stacked at the end. Originally Posted by BigLouie
All those beautiful women were just too damn distracting!
Kudos and props to Big Louie for bringing me in from the wilderness!
Thanks for the invite I had alot if fun. It was nice to see everyone again.
ratboy jam's Avatar
For the missed out on a TOATLLY CLASS event.
I didn't get to play..but still had a good time.
For those wondering if they should ever play, go ahead...there is no one going to slam you for being a donkey or anything/anyway you play. The guys and gals that play are not there "trying to make their house/light/gas payments so it is pretty relaxed and no hard feelings.
I've been to many other tourneys, both pay and non-pay that people take things WAY too serious.
Come out and enjoy!!
jacksparrow's Avatar
it was great fun! the rat was there, I thought I saw someone with a tail?
at least this time I lasted a little while longer, my first time, I got my ass kick really bad.
thank you big louie. BTW: the food was great.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
As always the game was great. I sat at the table with the Guy dealing, so I had a real crick in my neck because I was constantly looking at the GORGEOUS other dealers.

It is always great to see old friends and even meet a few new ones.

Looking forward to the next one.....what do you think, maybe end of May???

Congrats to all the winners.
As always a great event. Thanks to BL and JJ for putting it on.
sullyspl's Avatar
had a great time ( except getting rivered 2 hands in a row!).my first time playing and i'm looking fwd. to the next one.. great job louie-- and congrats tx. gambler, enjoyed my chat with you.
  • pyro
  • 04-30-2010, 10:32 AM
Always a well done event. Ditto what the "Rat" said.
And CB, I'm glad you posted here. I thought you were staring at me...
Well deserved TG! Always a pleasure to sit at your table.

Thanks Big Lou!
The Prince's Avatar
It was good to see some old faces.

(When I say old...I'm not referring to Big Louie.)
Sorry I missed this one.
I think its the first one I've missed....ever.
Damn work.
Texasgambler's Avatar
Had a great time. The players were alot tougher this time, and it helps when you catch hands that stand up. But like everyone else, sometime got distracted because of all the good looking ladies there. Cann't wait for the next one.
Thanks Big Louie for putting it together. Well done.
BigLouie's Avatar
Thanks for the invite I had alot if fun. It was nice to see everyone again. Originally Posted by Bianca Page
Thanks for coming. You looked sensational
srvfin's Avatar
Dude.... Can I please get an invite to the next one? Please....?