Traveling with sex toys???

  • Chloe
  • 05-04-2010, 12:49 AM
(my edited version of this article)
The TSA Hates Your Vibrator / How to safely fly with your sex toys
June 14, 2007|By Violet Blue, Special to SF Gates

Use common sense. Don't put sex toys in your carry-on baggage unless you absolutely have to. Remember that if they're confiscating toenail clippers and eyebrow tweezers, they're definitely not letting you bring the fuzzy handcuffs, tit clamps, leather flogger or unusually shaped vibrator on the plane. Don't put anything in your carry-on you aren't willing to part with if security decides it's potentially dangerous. Even if you believe their decision is uninformed, you won't be in any position to argue if you want to make your flight.

Bag your toys.
Even if they're not liquid, you'll want to put each toy in a Ziploc bag (does the TSA have a Ziploc fetish or stock in the company?), even if you pack it in your checked luggage. If they single you out in the security line to have your bag pawed through and contents examined, you won't want those filthy gloves of theirs touching anything of yours destined for an intimate area -- not after they've been touching everyone else's shoes, child toys, hairbrushes, laptops and more. Ew. Don't forget to bag your checked butt plugs as well -- if your bag gets spot-checked and opened, another pair of dirty gloves will be all over your plugs, and that's just gross.

Their rules don't make sense, but they still apply.
Yup, I'm talking about the 3-ounce liquid rule for lubes (just pack the lube, or toss a 1-ounce lube sample in your laptop bag). Interestingly, the TSA doesn't consider gel-filled bras to be dangerous liquids, and they are permitted, no matter how big your "lethal weapons" are. Even if the bottle of Liquid Silk is half full (or half empty), it still isn't permitted if the container size exceeds 3 ounces. Also, remember that the TSA makes inconsistent, on-the-spot decisions that could consider your key-chain clamps as dangerous as toenail clippers. And kinksters beware: Bringing that e-stim unit on the plane just isn't going to happen (your cattle prod must be checked). The fun and games will have to wait until you get your bags.

Remove the batteries from all battery-operated devices -- even if you think they're difficult to turn on.
The new push-button pulsing vibes are especially easy to accidentally turn on, and tiny toys powered by watch batteries (like the Fukuoku) are easy to forget about. Even if a vibe doesn't buzz in your bag, if it accidentally starts, it can get hot enough after a while to cause problems. Also, if you bring your vibe in your carry-on, remember that security X-ray personnel might decide the mechanical parts look interesting enough on the X-ray screen that they need to take a closer look. You'll be very glad you bagged your toy when they pull your vibe out by the corner of its Ziploc and hold it up like a dead rat caught by its tail for all to see.

Pack your dicks with care.
Dildos are less of a problem because they're generally made of silicone or jelly rubber and have no mechanical parts. Dildos made of glass or porcelain will require special packaging concerns -- wrap them well in soft cloth. Metal dildos will definitely go in your checked luggage. Strap-on harnesses usually have metal buckles or D-rings, and "packing" or wearing a harness with metal fixtures through any security line is not recommended. However, if you have a hot scene planned for the minute you get off the plane, you can wear a fabric or neoprene harness under your clothes, though travel might be more comfortable if you carry on the harness and change in the plane's lavatory before landing. Stow harnesses with metal in your check-in luggage, along with any and all S-M toys. Harnesses and kinky gear aren't cheap, and it would be a tragedy to come all the way from Indiana for the pre-Pride human pony tea party (or -- gasp! -- pulling the Pride pony cart) without your bridle. Replacing your S-M and fetish gear is expensive, while being the prettiest pony at Pride: priceless.

Be aware of the customs and social mores of the place you are traveling to.
In Texas, they won't look kindly at a suitcase full of vibrators (possessing more than three is currently illegal in that state).
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
I travel with my favorite ex toy all the time... but she insists on a first class ticket...
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I'd ride in coach to spend time with you!
boardman's Avatar
I'd ride in coach to spend time with you! Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Brooke, I realize you are serious about this dating thing but desperation doesn't become you.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
LOL!!! I set myself up for that one!
  • dhemm
  • 05-04-2010, 08:11 AM
"Be aware of the customs and social mores of the place you are traveling to. In Texas, they won't look kindly at a suitcase full of vibrators (possessing more than three is currently illegal in that state)."
Chloe I hope you pay attention to this . I would hate for you to be detained before I get a chance to meet you when you come down here.
notanewbie's Avatar
A few friends of mine went to Costa Rica a couple years back. They had a seventy year old gentlemen join the group. His carry one consisted of a double ended 2 foot long double dong (purple), 2 pairs of briefs a bottle of Vitamin C, waterproof camera and his Viagra. They searched his bag and even brought over a few other agents to take a look. He was not embarrassed at all. Needless to say he had a good time.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-04-2010, 08:29 AM
"Be aware of the customs and social mores of the place you are traveling to. In Texas, they won't look kindly at a suitcase full of vibrators (possessing more than three is currently illegal in that state)."
Chloe I hope you pay attention to this . I would hate for you to be detained before I get a chance to meet you when you come down here. Originally Posted by dhemm
I tried to buy that trojan viberating finger thing for my GF but it cant be sold in texas had to get it off ebay. Funny how in texas you can get just about any ammo load you want (a friend of mine just bought some kind of Bolo round) but you cant get some vibrators.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I once got behind a student veterinarian at security...who was carrying with her a Electro-Rino-Ejaculator for the Zoo in Philadephia.

I got a real kick at listening to her explain what it was for.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
I'd ride in coach to spend time with you! Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Any time spent with you is ALWAYS first class..
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I travel often and yes, the rules are not applied with any consistency. Thanks for the tips! I never thought of placing ALL toys in clear bags, just re-cleaned everything before playtime. (In case the baggage handlers "tested" them.) I've always put the "fun stuff" in my checked luggage, but once I forgot about a small novelty vibrator in my purse when headed to the airport. Baffled the x-ray tech, so the security officer pulled me aside, took it out, held it up for everyone to see (of course), turned it on, grinned and asked me what it was. (As if he didn't know, smirking twit.) I twisted the handle, activating the penlight bulb, and said, "It's a flashlight for those guys who can't find a hole in the mound." Cracked him and everybody in earshot up. He turned a new shade of red, gave it back, wished me a good vacation, and winked.

Wowza, if all you can legally have in Texas is 3 vibrators, I'll be tossed in jail for life if they catch me. I carry at least 5 different ones in my "Pandora's Box" to every outcall, and it'll take me a wee bit to count the ones stashed in my bedroom nightstand. I help the Energizer Rabbit with his quarterly bonus.
  • Chloe
  • 05-04-2010, 10:27 PM
"I twisted the handle, activating the penlight bulb, and said, "It's a flashlight for those guys who can't find a hole in the mound." Fancyinheels
Too funny!!!

I am 50% of the time secondary searched due to my play bag. They do not intimidate me I announce clearly . . ."Oh boy that's my fun bag" and as they move onto the search . . .

"That's my bag of dildos, don't worry they are in plastic bags.. . . oh that? I haven't figured out that one, any ideas on where you are supposed to put that? . . . oh those hand cuffs are fake anyone can get out of them . . .DON'T TOUCH THAT ONE! I just used it in the restroom these darn flights take forever to wait for!"

Any way after a few other guys are called over to look, they usually all decide that I deserve to have them and as I leave I get waves and shouts of "Have fun!" and "You know where I work " and an escort to my gate so that I arrive efficiently lol.

That happened in DC, Chicago, Houston and Atlanta . . . and the stickler airline as mentioned in the article was always Delta . . . I am changing their logo from "We love to fly and it shows." to "We love to fly but not with ho's" lol.
surcher's Avatar
I am my favorite sex toy!