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boardman's Avatar
It seems to me that the "pictures" thread was a perfect example of a thread posted in the wrong forum. It was hobby related and if the mods thought it was actually serious enough to warrant points for it's hijacking then they should have moved it to the Co-ed section.
Come on, man. DM didn't really give a shit about hijacking, it was just the only tool he had to silence the peanut gallery. Every time sofia shows back up under a different handle, the same half dozen or so individuals pop up to "out" her and make a show of their righteous indignation, then they start calling for a mod to come "do their job" blah, blah, blah.

Bottom-line: Who cares?
Killersalt's Avatar
That thread was nothing more than an ad. JAD said it best.
Doesn't this belong in the provider ad section?

Wait..... not verified.... guess the Sandbox has joined the ranks of CoEd and Welcome wagon as free ad space........

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
I remember another thread that was determined useless because it was nothing more than people posting pictures. Slap Yo Momma!! =)

Poor DM is just trying to maintain order in the nuthouse.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
If I may humbly suggest … in the future the person who first hi-jacks the thread should be the only member who gets points.

The rest should only get warnings.
boardman's Avatar
That thread was nothing more than an ad. JAD said it best.

I remember another thread that was determined useless because it was nothing more than people posting pictures. Slap Yo Momma!! =)

Poor DM is just trying to maintain order in the nuthouse. Originally Posted by Killersalt
By pointing the nuts...........TFF
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 11-30-2010, 07:27 AM
If I may humbly suggest … in the future the person who first hi-jacks the thread should be the only member who gets points.

The rest should only get warnings. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Yeah. What she said.....
Wayward's Avatar
Come on, man. DM didn't really give a shit about hijacking, it was just the only tool he had to silence the peanut gallery. Every time sofia shows back up under a different handle, the same half dozen or so individuals pop up to "out" her and make a show of their righteous indignation, then they start calling for a mod to come "do their job" blah, blah, blah.

Bottom-line: Who cares? Originally Posted by enderwiggin
The last guy that sent her screening info, while all of the cool kids know better the vast majority of folks are not spending every waking moment living this nonsense and they are the ones that get burned. While you are absolutely right, you also couldn't be more wrong.

All of sofia/AD/jasmin/teflon's posts are ads. Which is easy to stop if someone wanted to.
boardman's Avatar
Dumpster raiding hasn't been all that good this week so tuna flavored points came at just the right time.
I really could care less about how many handles the crazy crew has or if they are on here at all. I know enough to stay away from them IRL.
The selective enforcement is the thing that really has me puzzled.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
If I may humbly suggest … in the future the person who first hi-jacks the thread should be the only member who gets points.

The rest should only get warnings. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
By pointing the nuts...........TFF Originally Posted by boardman
Oh man … I just noticed that you my sweet thing would have gotten those points if that was the rule.

If you ever run out of points I have some you can have free of charge. Mine taste like tuna too.
boardman's Avatar
Oh man … I just noticed that you my sweet thing would have gotten those points if that was the rule.

If you ever run out of points I have some you can have free of charge. Mine taste like tuna too. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild

I did get 'em so everyone else should have their points revoked. Unless, of course, they've already dined on them.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I did get 'em so everyone else should have their points revoked. Unless, of course, they've already dined on them. Originally Posted by boardman

That's the spirit ... TOFTT. You're a good man boardman. ... ...
Mine must have been spoiled. They smell like ender's avatar.
boardman's Avatar
Now apparently Mods are the humor police also.
Even if a Sandbox thread stays on topic and within the rules of the Sandbox but a mod "thincks" it is not funny he can close it. Why don't we just make Carkido and Raphael mods too?
I'm not trying to be deliberately disrespectful but I "thinck" the power is going to your head DM. How many points is that worth? How long before this thread is closed?
This is a SHMB so I take very little of it seriously and maybe that's why you don't like me but this is getting a little ridiculous.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Some days when I am on here it’s a flash back to 2ed grade and I remember me getting in trouble when I’m talking to the kid who sits at the desk next to me or talking while I’m in line for the water fountain.

I feel like I am discouraged to interact with my board friends when they post for “fear” I will get points for commenting on something that they may have said that is off topic.

2 of Houston’s funniest posters … SKF & TMFT have abandon us I’m sure due to all the seriousness around here. And Onehitwonder .... another great loss.

This is a silly hooker message board, yet no silly is allow.

I’m not sure if this post is on topic … but I tried.

Big HUGS for you Boardman Although something tells me you'd rather have a BBBJ
boardman's Avatar
Some days when I am on here it’s a flash back to 2ed grade and I remember me getting in trouble when I’m talking to the kid who sits at the desk next to me or talking while I’m in line for the water fountain.

I feel like I am discouraged to interact with my board friends when they post for “fear” I will get points for commenting on something that they may have said that is off topic.

2 of Houston’s funniest posters … SKF & TMFT have abandon us I’m sure due to all the seriousness around here. And Onehitwonder .... another great loss.

This is a silly hooker message board, yet no silly is allow.

I’m not sure if this post is on topic … but I tried.

Big HUGS for you Boardman Although something tells me you'd rather have a BBBJ Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
That last sentence saved you from points for not being funny.
Wait funny is in the eye of the beholder....... Oh well, Good luck with that...
Apparently we'll have to wait til somewhere around midnight to get a ruling though.