Hey all, Something I've been wondering: I'm only available fairly sporadically since I work another job and can't seem to find an any one who wants to share an in call -- I can't host. It often happens that I'm contacted by a hobbyist and we can't seem to find the right time so it the correspondence just dies.
Then comes a time when I am available and it would be great to just check back in with them to see if they are too, but I get the impression that "unsolicited" contact is not kosher.
I'm asking about this because I go through the whole screening process initially and have made a decision that they are a good match (I know, I know...I'm pretty picky) and if I post that I'm avail. on the weekend lineup etc... I get an inbox full of new "suitors" and the whole back and forth she-bang starts all over again...
I'm not complaining...I know this is a biz and that entails work, but I sometimes look through the emails of guys that seemed great but feel like I can't say "Hey watcha doing tonight???"
I know texts are probably a real NO NO... but I don't really give out my number till its a definite thing.
like I said, just wondering...