What real treason by US Congressmen looks like:

From the Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 26, 1991:
FORMER Reagan administration officials were stunned when, as revealed in the New York Times on Sept. 15, their mid-1980s monitoring stumbled across “Democrats or staff members of Democrats” directly advising the communist Sandinistas of Nicaragua on political tactics, including how to defeat U.S. aid to the anti-communist resistance, the “Contras. ” Although President Reagan’s people decided not to seek prosecution of the House Democrats, the issue has reached public view in the wake of a Sept. 15 New York Times story. Now, in a letter to House Speaker Tom Foley, D-Washington, four Republicans in Congress – Mickey Edwards of Oklahoma City, Bill McCollum of Florida, Vin Weber of Minnesota and Gerald Solomon of New York – have called “for a special investigation into possible misconduct by congressional opponents of the U.S. effort to fund pro-democracy forces in Nicaragua. ” In the words of a recent press release, the Edwards group wants to know if members of Congress or staffers “violated either House rules or laws which prohibit U.S. citizens from dealing directly with foreign governments on controversial issues under consideration by the U.S. government. In addition, the congressmen asked Speaker Foley to investigate whether or not classified information was revealed to Sandinista leaders by congressional opponents of this country’s Nicaragua policy. ” Where’s the rub? You can say the CIA operation which unearthed the questionable dealings between Democrats and Sandinistas was designed to intimidate members of Congress. Or, you can say it monitored the communications of a communist government a few hundred miles south of Texas, incidentally unearthing potentially treasonous activities by Democrats in Congress, activities never fully investigated.

Finally, observe that Democrats in Congress are the rascals who put Rep. Ron Dellums, D-Calif., on the House Intelligence Committee. Dellums – an open sympathizer of the deposed Marxist dictatorship of Grenada and of Cuba’s communist thug boss, Fidel Castro – now has regular access to sensitive national security information.
Bottom line is the 47 douche bag republican traitors by signing the letter broke the law and its paramount that the justice department indict them and convict
What law did they break?

Bottom line is the 47 douche bag republican traitors by signing the letter broke the law and its paramount that the justice department indict them and convict Originally Posted by nickdanger1955
What did they do? Post a letter on line that laid out the workings of our constitution?

Oh the constitution is the problem here?

"I believe myself that the secretary of state, secretary of defense and — you have to make your own decisions as to what the president knows — (know) this war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything as indicated by the extreme violence in Iraq yesterday," said Reid.
Kerry calls our soldiers terrorists............

In September 2002, the Bush administration was preparing its case for war against Saddam Hussein, both with Congress and at the UN, for continuing violations of the cease-fire agreement that had ended war operations in 1991. Hussein’s forces repeatedly locked anti-aircraft radar on US and British fighters enforcing the no-fly zones in the south and north of Iraq. Hussein repeatedly and belligerently refused to fully comply with what would eventually be 17 UN Security Council resolutions aimed at settling the conflict. In the midst of that scenario, three House Democrats (Representatives David Bonior, Jim McDermott, and Mike Thompson) flew to Baghdad to meet with Iraqi officials and lecture George W. Bush on trusting Hussein and his regime...

And to top it off......the trip was paid for by Saddam Hussein.

...all of which somehow excuses the treasonous actions of the republicans of today, right?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
...all of which somehow excuses the treasonous actions of the republicans of today, right? Originally Posted by tulsatiger
I asked this question already but didn't get an answer, how do you define treason? This letter provided no aid and no comfort to the enemy and that is the definition of treason. Perhaps you should invest in a dictionary before voicing stupid opinions about things you don't know about.
Posting a letter (on line) to the Mullahs, explaining how our constitution works isn't "treason".......

It is astounding that you would think it is.

...all of which somehow excuses the treasonous actions of the republicans of today, right? Originally Posted by tulsatiger
Yssup Rider's Avatar
HERE WE GO AGAIN .... This isn't about reaching out to a foreign nation. I guess you have no problem with Jane Fonda's trip to North Viet Nam, or Jesse Jacksons' trips to the Middle East. or Karl Rove outing Valerie Plame. Or St. Ronald's Iran-Contra fiasco.

This is appropriate because you are unhealthily obsessed with President Barack Obama, you shallow, sick creep.

You continue to flood this board with...

rioseco's Avatar
HERE WE GO AGAIN .... This isn't about reaching out to a foreign nation. I guess you have no problem with Jane Fonda's trip to North Viet Nam, or Jesse Jacksons' trips to the Middle East. or Karl Rove outing Valerie Plame. Or St. Ronald Iran-Contra fiasco.

You continue to flood this board with...

SPAM Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Your favorite boy sandwich contents,SPAM and SPERM !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Pearls before swine...
HERE WE GO AGAIN .... This isn't about reaching out to a foreign nation. I guess you have no problem with Jane Fonda's trip to North Viet Nam, or Jesse Jacksons' trips to the Middle East. or Karl Rove outing Valerie Plame. Or St. Ronald's Iran-Contra fiasco.

This is appropriate because you are unhealthily obsessed with President Barack Obama, you shallow, sick creep.

You continue to flood this board with...

SPAM Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Exactly correct. The letter, which is pretty much amateur hour, has nothing to do with advancing the ball or finding a solution to the Iranian nuclear issue. It's about poking President Obama in the eye and trying to make the red-meat eating bomb-throwing idiot conservabots like Whirliar and the other idiots here happy and ready to vote for more idiots like the junior senator who wrote the letter.

The letter offers no solutions, no suggestions, nothing. It makes us look like some banana republic to the Iranians and our allies who are trying to get this problem sorted out through negotiation rather than war. As usual, the Republicans have no ideas, no strategy, nothing other than attacking the President of the United States as their political brand. Typical and sad.

Even whirlytard recognizes how pathetically stupid it makes the senate republicans evidenced by his desperate attempt here to try to compare something that happened 30 years ago with Nicaragua to Iran today.....with the difference being, of course, that the stakes are a little bit higher.