A made for television event.


Siege at the US embassy: Pro-Iran militia storm Baghdad compound for a second day as Marines fire tear gas and video reveals how bloodthirsty Hezbollah fighter vowed to kill every American inside

Note the similarity to Ferguson and Baltimore:

1) Embedded reporter coverage.
2) Incited by a outside force with the purpose of destroying civility.
3) Encouraged by the government, hoping to stay in power.
4) Staged photo ops.
5) Full complicity by the news media.
6) Not one editorial with a unilateral condemnation of the activity.
HoeHummer's Avatar
So who’s is behind this bits of fakery? Fox News? Canada Free Fress? InfoWars?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-01-2020, 11:23 AM
Trump has declared it under control...nothing to see here folks, move along.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Apparentlys, the author thinks this is a thing.
Redhot1960's Avatar
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Remember Operation: Eastern Exit in 1991. I was there for that. George H W Bush and the U.S. Marines and Navy to the rescue.

Siege at the US embassy: Pro-Iran militia storm Baghdad compound for a second day as Marines fire tear gas and video reveals how bloodthirsty Hezbollah fighter vowed to kill every American inside

Note the similarity to Ferguson and Baltimore:

1) Embedded reporter coverage.
2) Incited by a outside force with the purpose of destroying civility.
3) Encouraged by the government, hoping to stay in power.
4) Staged photo ops.
5) Full complicity by the news media.
6) Not one editorial with a unilateral condemnation of the activity. Originally Posted by kehaar

Where's the fucking "outrage" from you and Trump while the protestors were being gunned down throughout the streets in Iraq by those pro-Iran militiamen acting at the behest of the US propped central government in Baghdad?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Where's the fucking "outrage" from you and Trump while the protestors were being gunned down throughout the streets in Iraq by those pro-Iran militiamen acting at the behest of the US propped central government in Baghdad? Originally Posted by andymarksman

behest? surely u jest ..

let Iran and Iraq kill each other. the world will be better off for it.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Iraq pumps a lot of oil that goes to capitalists. So of course we're gonna prop up that puppet regime.
i, for one, and history will ultimately ask the same question, still wonder where obama was the night of benghazi

the news media and the obama henchmen have maintained strict radio silence on this
  • oeb11
  • 01-02-2020, 09:40 AM
Obama - busy getting pegged by H.... that nite!
Obama - busy getting pegged by H.... that nite! Originally Posted by oeb11
i tend to think he was busy with beyonce that night

its not as far-fetched as it sounds

a. she had been hanging around the white house during that time, she and jay z even got presidential dispensation to visit cuba around that time frame


b. have you ever had to go to bed with michelle?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Talk about Conspiracy theories
HoeHummer's Avatar