Why does some caucasian hobbyist???

Tell caucasian, latin and asian providers that if they see black hobbyist that they won't see them again? I had two long conversations with well regarded providers who told me that they get that threat/request on a regular basis. I just don't get that mentality. I have even heard of providers who post nba policies, but will see an aa as long as they don't post a review.. It's pretty pathetic and sad to say the least, but it is America...
brownfish's Avatar

brownfish's Avatar
He has the right to start any conversation he wishes. I've seen much less intelligent conversations on these boards. The question is usually asked about the providers. This time it's about hobbyist themselves which is, to my knowledge, a question that hasn't been asked. Sadly, I already know the answer!

gimme_that's Avatar
They probably want a sense of ownership. And over some pussy they don't even own lol. They basically just wanna pimp......her mind into believing their bigoted ways.

When the provider accepts and abides she supports it. Can't blame her too much although its lame......but most of ladies business comes from older white males. Its just the numbers. I just wish those clients were more vocal on board with their stance. They rather be closeted. Guess if she see an african american she will get "blacklisted"........and considered unpure.
Brownfish, wasn't trying to come at you in a derogatory way. I respect and value your opinion. I respect and value everyone's opinion or view. I just wanted to understand from the hobbyist who make such request why they do so...
Not saying this is my feelings, I see black providers.

However, what I have heard as a cause is the AIDS/HIV rates among people of the black community, especially in NOLA and BR (two of the highest rates in the country?) as a reason.

Impact on Racial and Ethnic Minorities
Racial and ethnic minorities have been disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS since the beginning of the epidemic, and represent the majority of new HIV infections, people living with HIV disease, and deaths among people with HIV.2, 3, 4
Blacks and Latinos account for a disproportionate share of new HIV infections, relative to their size in the U.S. population (Figure 3).4, 5, 15
There are more than 510,000 Blacks living with HIV in the U.S.3 Analysis of national household survey data found that 2% of Blacks in the U.S. were HIV positive, higher than any other group.16
Blacks also have the highest rate of new HIV infections. In 2010, the rate of new HIV infections per 100,000 for Blacks (68.9) was about 8 times that of whites (8.7); Latinos (27.5) had a rate 3 times that of whites.4
Blacks accounted for about half (48%) of deaths among people with an HIV diagnosis in 2010.2
New HIV Infections & U.S. Population, by Race/Ethnicity, 2010
Figure 3: New HIV Infections & U.S. Population, by Race/Ethnicity, 2010
Survival after an AIDS diagnosis is lower for Blacks than for most other racial/ethnic groups, and Blacks have had the highest age-adjusted death rate due to HIV disease throughout most of the epidemic.2, 10, 11
HIV was the 4th leading cause of death for Black men and Black women, ages 25-44, in 2009, ranking higher than their respective counterparts in any other racial/ethnic group.11


CDC also says same thing in graphic.

Top 25 cities with AIDS based on 2010 Census:
Baton Rouge #2, NOLA #9

Don't shoot the messenger, you asked and I am only telling you what I have heard people tell me.
Putting the unfortunate demographics aside (which are both sad and serious indeed), some may take this position from a more biggoted view point. Unfortunately such a person is much less likely to respond to this link. So your Q would never go answered in this thread. Just answered by people who cannot fathom such narrow mindedness.
B/C of a little word in Webster's Dictionary:
Arverni's Avatar
Cuz there's fucked up racial shit going on in this world? What a news flash. /thread
giantbourbon's Avatar
B/C they're so insecure they're afraid they won't "measure up" to the stereotype!
I tell ignorant men who ask questions like that, 'too bad, your loss not mine'.
The African American men who call and ask if I would see them, I say to them, 'I see gentleman of all colors'. The key word is gentleman. Men are my candy and I want to taste the rainbow of flavors!
Not saying this is my feelings, I see black providers.

However, what I have heard as a cause is the AIDS/HIV rates among people of the black community, especially in NOLA and BR (two of the highest rates in the country?) as a reason.

Impact on Racial and Ethnic Minorities
Racial and ethnic minorities have been disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS since the beginning of the epidemic, and represent the majority of new HIV infections, people living with HIV disease, and deaths among people with HIV.2, 3, 4
Blacks and Latinos account for a disproportionate share of new HIV infections, relative to their size in the U.S. population (Figure 3).4, 5, 15
There are more than 510,000 Blacks living with HIV in the U.S.3 Analysis of national household survey data found that 2% of Blacks in the U.S. were HIV positive, higher than any other group.16
Blacks also have the highest rate of new HIV infections. In 2010, the rate of new HIV infections per 100,000 for Blacks (68.9) was about 8 times that of whites (8.7); Latinos (27.5) had a rate 3 times that of whites.4
Blacks accounted for about half (48%) of deaths among people with an HIV diagnosis in 2010.2
New HIV Infections & U.S. Population, by Race/Ethnicity, 2010
Figure 3: New HIV Infections & U.S. Population, by Race/Ethnicity, 2010
Survival after an AIDS diagnosis is lower for Blacks than for most other racial/ethnic groups, and Blacks have had the highest age-adjusted death rate due to HIV disease throughout most of the epidemic.2, 10, 11
HIV was the 4th leading cause of death for Black men and Black women, ages 25-44, in 2009, ranking higher than their respective counterparts in any other racial/ethnic group.11


CDC also says same thing in graphic.

Top 25 cities with AIDS based on 2010 Census:
Baton Rouge #2, NOLA #9

Don't shoot the messenger, you asked and I am only telling you what I have heard people tell me. Originally Posted by disilene
No my man, I would never shoot the messenger. I'm a facts and stats guy so I value the data. Thanks for your input.