Hello, here is my side of the Story....

This young kid (22 yrs old)...Calls me and asked for appointment...said that he had READ my GREAT Reviews on Eccie but he then said he didnt have any posts or reviews...his handle: JYDCOO
So i then asked him to provide references...He said he only had 2 from backpage(cant trust those much)!!...they were 2 blk girls(sounded high on "medicine") so i trusted them even less...I wasnt interested in seeing him, but he kept on calling for the whole week.. I decided to see him with the condition that he would bring his job id and license(he said he was a Marine that moved from Florida to League city).... Well, he came over and right away he reminded me of Chirs Brown(the one that hit Rhianna)..lol

We then went into my room, he gave me my fee of $300 plus $50 extra!!(that made me nervous because u dont find many black kids 22 yrs old giving tips before having session)..That made me think he was going to rob me after doing his thing)...Anyway, i talked to him for about 10 min(i always do this).. then he tried to rush me to go into "action", something i dont like..but i did anyway and took charge (on top giving a "massage" then he got on top and that was when his face became evil and he was pressing me hard..very rough!!...I stopped him with the excuse to text my gilr Larissa..i told her that i was with a guy i didnt feel comfortable with, and she decided to be in the parking lot within 5 min she lives one block away)..i was trying to get time for Larissa to come over so i told the client that i needed to get some water...he then asked me if i was nervous and i said yes..then i told him if it was okay to allow my friend Larissa to be in the living room and he said yes, so i let her in...While back in the bedroom, he sees me still nervous so he said he wanted to show me another id so i could feel comfortable, i said okay..when he reached his pocket a KNIFE fell out!!..yes, a KNIFE!!!...i asked him why he had a knife and he replied saying that one of his friends told him to carry one everytime he would see a provider..and i told him, you read my reviews, you know im Drama free!!...and thats when i told him that i could not continue the session and that we will do it another day(i told him that so he could leave peacefully, but i knew i would never see him)...so he left..and texted me constantly for many days to see if i could see him again..but since i didnt answer, he twice wrote to me; i can write something bad about you..so it is up to you to see me!!)....Of course i still didnt see him!!.... So today, he took advantage and followed a "not deserved" review "chickenfried81" wrote about me...JYDCCO wrote: prsandra is Wackkk has freezy hair. dont see her!!.... Stupid, i have freezy hair cause my hair sometimes is curly!!!... Why dont you say how rough and mean you are??..uh??..how come you didnt write something a few months ago when you saw me??... why dont you explain why you had a knife???...uh???... Do you think a provider will feel comfortable after seeing a knife on you??? and besides you been rough???...of course i had to be nervous!!
Another thing, CHICKENFRIED81... i gave you a full service session...if you only can last 5 min is not my fault!!..usually guys ask for another, but u did not, you only put on your clothes and left!!...and you were such a coward that asked for an okay before writing a nonsense review!! because i Gave your full service!!...if you didnt ask for more, thats your fault not mine!!!.... So ladies be alert before giving an okay to "friedchicken81"!!...he is not what he seems like!!.... And just to let you all know... i will continue charging my price.. I prefer to keep my quality clientele who appreciates a quality provider.... If you dont want to pay for "prada shoes" go to payless!!....thats the way it is...
Not everybody has to like me, i dont like everyone of my clients either...but i hardly have someone who doesnt like me because i try to make my clients the happiest i possibly can!!... i have maintained a GREAT Reputation over the years...Will continue to do so!!...As long as you are nice to me, i will be NICER to you!!....
You are awesome Sandra and very professional. I hope this ends very soon as does not turn into an opportunity for people to add to their post count. The guy sounds like a dickhead with issues.
Sandra, you got nothing to worry about... You have a great reputation and no BS review from a newbie is going to change our views on you.

I'm glad to hear that you made it out ok.

Take good care of yourself and be safe!

ibechill's Avatar
Guess she has BCD access.
guest063011's Avatar
Hey Sandra,
#1) Thank God you are O.K.
#2) Nobody knows better than I do, that your reviews will save you. I really try to make all my clients happy! But, sometimes I fail. A FEW (clients) will lie about you, and your review reputation will see you through this. What psycho! Could you PM me his P411 handle please. I have my DNS pen in hand!!

DarthMaul's Avatar
Sandra, sorry about the bad experience. I know you were trying to be nice but a 22 year old who can "talk his way up on some" makes me nervous.

Like KN said your reputation is spotless here on ECCIE. It would take more than 1 or even 2 bad reviews before your reputation would take a hit.

Besides..Some of the "more established" hobbyists here are probably thinking of nice ways to make it up to you now.

Muchos besos a usted seņora hermosa.

Guess she has BCD access. Originally Posted by ibechill
BCD access isn't even needed if you read everyone's replies....Believe me. Everyone paraphrases the review in their comments.
GiaLedeaux's Avatar
That's why I don't see young guys (especially Chris Brown look-alikes). I love the comment "If you don't want to pay for Prada shoes, go to PAYLESS!" >>>Awesome! I agree! Glad you are okay after that PRSandra.
PRS, your rep preceeds you always. Just keep being you..............don't sweat the small stuff....................
Omari's Avatar
  • Omari
  • 03-22-2011, 10:36 PM
Sandra you are a lovely lady that always conducts business in a professional manner. Thank you for sharing your side of the story but there wasn't a need for you to explain. You have an outstanding reputation. Take care of yourself. Btw this is surfside guy.

Dayum Gia you are on my list. Sorry about the hijack.
Fred8152's Avatar
Wow, that is fucked up now that the full story is out and maybe you should give his P411 handle since he probably does this to other ladies and maybe he should be reported to P411. My guess is that maybe that site does not want members like that on their board.
Mojojo's Avatar
Guess she has BCD access. Originally Posted by ibechill
You dont need premium access to see what Jydcoo posted. Please make sure you read thoroughly.

Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 03-22-2011, 11:50 PM
que tripeo!

Sandra, we've never met in person, but I've known about you for quite some time. One thing for certain is that your reputation isn't going to take a hit from left-field comments from somebody like that. It probably wasn't even necessary but thanks for clarifying with your side of the story.

sorry things went awry but am glad that in the end no one was harmed.

As for prices.. You get to set them where you want and either you get the business you need/want or you don't. Only you get to decide what your rate will be. Then us as hobbyists get to decide if we will pay it or move on to someone else that fits our budget.

...di que... there's no harm in an occasional special though

ejeje! Just keep on doing your thing mami and you'll be fine. Take care!!
amen my sista
The FrenchGuy's Avatar
Bad reputation for us AAs...and newbies.Oh well
Sandra, I've seen you like 2 or 3 times and you were always great. Although its been like 3 years since I've seen you but your session and attitude were nothing to complain about. I may be seeing you soon. Ciao mamacita.