Vasectomy discussion

Longermonger's Avatar
Guys: How much did it cost? How painful? How do women react when they hear that you've been snipped? Is your jizz different?

Post in this thread if you've been SNIPPED.

Ladies: Can you tell a difference? If you WEREN'T in the hobby, would it make a difference? (A. Hell no! He can't give me a baby. B. Hell yes! He can't give me a baby. <commence BBFS>) Since you are in the hobby, would knowing that a guy has been snipped make you feel more comfortable...just in case?
Sens55's Avatar
Nothing to it. We did it in my doctor's office and he had 3 student nurses and asked if I'd mind if they "attended". I said Hell NO! Let's charge admission and spit the profits. (and that's 100% true). Didn't take long and I went out for a nice dinner afterwards.
love2fishfork's Avatar
Agree with Sens, nothing to it. Not painful at all. Took all of about 5 minutes, and I drove myself home and continued life as normal (except no sex for a couple days). Sperm is such a small fraction of ejaculate, no one would notice the difference.
KCQuestor's Avatar
Yep, no big deal at all. With my insurance I had to cover about $400, but it REALLY varies from provider to provider (and from state to state since it is basically birth control).

They had a new nurse assistant working there when I went, and she led me to the room and laid out the doctor's instruments on a tray. A few minutes earlier, the head nurse came in and said "Oh no, you've done this all wrong. Dr. So-and-so is very particular. He will be furious if you don't lay out his instruments how he likes it." I said "Please don't make my doctor angry before he cuts into my scrotum." They laughed and fixed the tray.

My experience was a bit different than reported above. It took a good half-hour, and I had some pain for a couple of weeks. Nothing major, oxy for a few days and then ibuprofin for a while. Sitting for long periods was tough, and I had to use a pillow. But honestly it wasn't a huge deal. Then you go in two more times (@3 and 6 months) to get your jizz tested for swimmers. You just drop it off and they call you and say "All good" (hopefully).

No difference in ejaculate or performance. A LOT of girls don't believe me when I say I've been snipped. They think it is a play for BBFS. A few times -- when the condom has broken or we drunkenly said "fuck it" -- it has helped me reassure my date. Funny, but they almost never seem worried about STDs, only pregnancy.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
I'm one of those cases you hear about, I hemmoraged and swell to grapefruit side, A few days of discomfort. I'd do it again.
Makes no difference, too easy to lie about, doesn't stop transmission of STIs.
bartipero's Avatar
Ever had your unit made into a cane? Naw? Me, neither.
pineappleguy's Avatar
How much did it cost?

Don't remember. It was over 20 years ago.

How painful?

The procedure itself - not at all. There were a couple of days afterwards that walking up an incline was uncomfortable.

How do women react when they hear that you've been snipped?


Is your jizz different?

No. Your "jizz" or semen comes from the prostate. The sperm comes from the genitals and mixes in. The lack of swimmers in the semen makes no difference other than nobody you're with can get pregnant. Guaranteed. (If the procedure is done correctly.)
I had mine 14 years ago. I have two older brothers that I adore and have benefited from their advice for 57 years. Oldest brother (11 years older) had a vasectomy, followed doctor's recommendations, sat on ice for a couple days and was back into the "swing of things" on day three. My second brother (nine years older) had a vasectomy, did not follow medical advice, rode his Harley and carried on as always. He swelled up like a grapefruit and "nursed" swollen balls for a month. I had a vasectomy, sat on ice for a couple days, and returned to Harley riding on day three. FYI, I jerked off 2 hours following my procedure. Everything worked fine.
WiLsOn's Avatar
You should take this warning very seriously. They tell you it does not change your sex drive, it absolutely does. Mine went from once a week before the vasectomy, to two or three times a week after a vasectomy. Do not get one unless you want your sex drive to increase.

Wilson W WiLsOn
My expierence was similar to KCQuestors, but based on the exam prior, my Dr and I were both anticipating it would go that way.

My cost was based on the fact that I hadn't met ANY of my insurance deductable and I had to pay the whole thing but it was only $375.

With providers, the fact that Ive had a vasectomy has never come up, but then I rarely do FS and its always covered.

With civillian women, it has enhanced things.
Ditto KC Q. The build up and hype are worse than the event. Then again, I don't like a man holding my dick and scrotum and cutting a tube to my balls.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
Makes no difference, too easy to lie about, doesn't stop transmission of STIs. Originally Posted by Lovely_Lilianna
True. But it depends on the reasons why you have one. If guys think it will help them get some more, or be allow to go BB, well if a girl offered BB because I had the V, I certainly wold not want to see her.

At the time I had mine done, I was in a monogamous relationship. There were two reasons for it.
1) Didn't want any more kids.
2) Studies have show negative effects from long-term use of birth control pills.
The best advice i got was wait until March Madness - then have it done on thursday opening week of the tourney. You get to sit and watch basketball all weekend.
Mine was around 400 about 6 years ago with insurance. The worst part was the deep needle in the groin ( a short feeling like a good kick in the balls), the skin numbing needles weren't bad. Watching the smoke rising out of the balls was
It was worth it. And no, my fantasy of ladies flocking to me if they know I'm clipped didn't happen, damnit!