Climate Change Thread, not the last

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Need some turn of the century articles addressing the soon to be discovered cosmic rays.
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Need some turn of the century articles addressing the soon to be discovered cosmic rays. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Will do
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Redhot1960's Avatar
I need to go find some cave walls,fuckers
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Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)
Two different views of a CME from 2015.

A coronal mass ejection (CME) with a prominence eruption viewed from two instruments at NCAR's HAO Mauna Loa Solar Observatory on July 2, 2015.


A coronal mass ejection (CME) is an explosive outburst of plasma from the Sun. The blast of a CME carries about a billion tons of material out from the Sun at very high speeds of hundreds of kilometers per second.

A CME contains particle radiation (mostly protons and electrons) and powerful magnetic fields stronger than what is normally present in the solar wind. These blasts originate in magnetically disturbed regions of the Sun's upper atmosphere, or corona. Researchers monitor activity in the corona using coronagraphs, which block out the view of the bright solar disk and allow us to see what is happening in the solar atmosphere.


CMEs are much more common during the solar maximum phase of the sunspot cycle, when sunspots and magnetic disturbances on the Sun are plentiful. Most CMEs form near sunspots. CMEs are also often associated with solar flares; however, scientists aren't completely sure how the two phenomena are related.

Coronal Mass Ejections Affect the Earth
CMEs travel outward through the solar system. Some are directed toward Earth, though many others miss our planet completely. The radiation storms that are a part of CMEs can be hazardous to spacecraft and astronauts. If a strong CME collides with Earth's magnetosphere, the disturbance can send a burst of particle radiation into Earth's upper atmosphere. As the radiation interacts with gas molecules in Earth's atmosphere, it causes them to release light and essentially to glow, creating the magnificent light shows of the auroras (the northern and southern lights).
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Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
While this was said of the climate change of Commiefornia specifically, one would presume it to apply globally. Right?

...Dealing with the various issues that we are dealing with when we come across the climate crisis. The thing about water policy. Diversifying water policy. Understanding that we must have the ability to diversify our approach and our resources… We’re going to have days of immense water, of rain, of storms, of flooding. And then at the same time, we’re a state that has experienced for generations drought...
Pretty straightforward when summarized properly, don't ya think?
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Ripmany's Avatar
Rain in god piss, snow is god cum
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ICU 812's Avatar
Diversity in "water policy"? WTF indeed. Do they also insist on inclusion of an LBGTQ+ agenda for water policy?

Anyway, the overall climate of the world, on a global scale, has been warming for the last twenty thousand years or so . . .without the help of humanity. The level of the global oceans hss been much lower (-400 feet) and somewhat higher (+80 feet) than it is today.

Places that have been covered by glaciers in historical times are now melting to be sure, but many have uncovered archeological sites that show human activity and habitation from a time before the ice came. And there have been fluctuations in historical times. Hannibal couldn't have brought Elephants over the Alps during the "Little Ice Age" of Medieval times. Europe was somewhat warmer in 300 B than it was in 1400 AD.

The enduring triumph of humanity is that we have adapted and survived for around a hundred thousand years in spite of these changes. The Neanderthals couldn't do it and died.
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