Sidney Powell Has Unrefutable Fraud Proof

Sidney Powell got her election fraud information from a headless time traveler. Can’t make this shit up.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

Just sayin' bro. Just sayin'.

Precious_b's Avatar
Oh, she'll have her day in court.
Gonna be a good day when she shames all those naysayers.
adav8s28's Avatar
Oh, she'll have her day in court.
Gonna be a good day when she shames all those naysayers. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Didn't she and Rudy G go 1/60 in the court system with the alleged election fraud? If you hit like that in MLB they send you down to the minor leagues and you may never come back to the majors.
I’m just curious why Fox never interviewed this source. They could have had the source on all the evening shows.
Precious_b's Avatar
Didn't she and Rudy G go 1/60 in the court system with the alleged election fraud? If you hit like that in MLB they send you down to the minor leagues and you may never come back to the majors.
Originally Posted by adav8s28

Just knocking off the judicial rust.
Tightening up their style.
They'll be on their game on court day.
You just wait. The left will be devastated with the Truth Bomb they drop.

I’m just curious why Fox never interviewed this source. They could have had the source on all the evening shows. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
And show their hand on such measly viewing numbers (ABC is the bigger market as I discovered in the past.)
They're waiting for not only their day in court, but also the court of public opinion to sync.
Oh, she'll have her day in court.
Gonna be a good day when she shames all those naysayers. Originally Posted by Precious_b

... It surely WAS!

... She had charges dismissed the other day.

Sorry for yer disappointment, mates. There's always next time!

### Salty
The case was tossed over misnumbered exhibits. Not because she was innocent of violations. Again, don’t allow facts to get in the way. But it’s Salty so facts and actually reading past a headline on Breitbart would not be expected.
Precious_b's Avatar
... It surely WAS!

... She had charges dismissed the other day.

Sorry for yer disappointment, mates. There's always next time!

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Stay on point here, saltlick.
Dominion isn't a police agency with powers to arrest and charge.

Ima rooting for the girl when she goes to court in April.
The case was tossed over misnumbered exhibits. Not because she was innocent of violations. Again, don’t allow facts to get in the way. But it’s Salty so facts and actually reading past a headline on Breitbart would not be expected. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... As I mentioned - try not to be disappointed, mate.

Next time - don't forget to mention that the case was tossed.

That-way I won't have to school ya.

#### Salty
Dude you’re as usual conflating totally different things. The “case” you refer to was a disciplinary/license hearing. Nothing to with her supposed source for election fraud - the time traveling informer.

Your inability to actually read is why we assume you’re stupid. It’s clearly just that you don’t actually read and stick to an actual line of discussion.

Let’s be clear. Powell relied on someone who claimed to have traveled to the future to know that election fraud occurred.

Separately and unrelated, Powell had a Texas license suspension hearing which was tossed because the exhibits were misnumbered.

And even more separately Powell is sued by Dominion for defamation which is currently pending.

See how those are totally different and separate unrelated things. Get your mind right.
... Yer insults to me a-side... Sidney Powell has a very
strong case in her defence... How may mistakes will be
made besides the "misnumbered exhibits"?? ... We'll see.

... As some of us have mentioned to you fellows,
Dominion has had MANY a past problem with their
machines... And their work and performance has
surely been questioned before. ... How many times
has the company been sold??
Their own workers speak out against the machines.

... Try not to let those comments and facts ruin yer day.

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
Salty, you don't want it thrown out on a technicality? That's a cowards way out.

She's already seasoned (as mentioned by all those previous cases she hasn't won.) She says she has the proof, you saltlick states "Dominion has had MANY a past problems (ftfy.)"

It has all come together to where she can get all her ducks in a row and issue that knock out punch with ALL that evidence she state she has.

I don't want her to fuck up like rudy where he yelled to high heavens about election fraud and being stolen but when he gets to court doesn't mention one peep about what he has been foaming at the mouth to the masses.

Sidney...don't be a rudy. Don't fuck up. It's your last and only shot.