Ok, people, you know what day it is today...

bluffcityguy's Avatar
And that means you must trust nothing, literally nothing, that is posted on the Web dated today. :-)

That being said, you may not want to trust anything posted with a date of March 31; the media are pretty sure (as am I) that this is an April Fool's joke:

Virgin Moves to Branson, Missouri

I cannot let today pass without a mention of perhaps one of the classic April Fool's Day jokes of all time, the BBC's Panorama broadcast about the Swiss spaghetti harvest:

And I'm thinking that this has leaped the list into first place as my favorite April Fool's joke of all time (number 9 on Mental Floss's list), because the reveal is just perfect:
9. A Pregnant Pause

Aquinas College economics professor Stephan Barrows did not like his students answering their cell phones during class, so he had a rule: If your phone rings, you must answer it on speakerphone. He should have had another rule: No prank calls. On April 1, 2014, students arranged to have a friend call a female student named Taylor Nefcy during class. As required, Nefcy put the call on speakerphone.

“Hi, this is Kevin from the Pregnancy Resource Center,” the voice on the other end said, as Nefcy’s friends switched on their hidden recorders. “Per your request, I am calling to inform you that the test results have come back positive. Congratulations!”

Professor Barrows, who had been smiling until then, suddenly became anxious and suggested that Nefcy might want to “shut that down.” But Nefcy let the call continue and Kevin explained that with the father “no longer in the picture,” the center would provide Nefcy with counseling and maternity services at no charge.

At this point, Barrows attempted to interrupt, and Nefcy politely told the caller, “Thank you, I’ll call back later.” Barrows then launched into a sober apology, but before he could get very far, Nefcy brushed him off: “That’s okay, I’ve been expecting this call,” she said, adding sweetly, “I already know what I’m going to name the baby. The first name will be April, and the middle name will be Fools.” Barrows lost it, along with the rest of the class, and the video promptly went viral
Y'all enjoy your April Fool's Day, and don't get fooled!


Callie Valleywood's Avatar
HAHA! WELL you tickled me hope you stay the same always BCG LUV YAS!
And that means you must trust nothing, literally nothing, that is posted on the Web dated today. :-)... Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
The assumption being that we trust web content every other day?
Sonoman's Avatar
If it's on the inter web, it's true. I read the other day it is. Just as Dr Google is always right.
If it's on the inter web, it's true. I read the other day it is. Just as Dr Google is always right. Originally Posted by Sonoman
Then, resolved, I shall someday have a 14-inch tool and have sex with horny local ladies every day.

And that means you must trust nothing, literally nothing, that is posted on the Web dated today. :-)

That being said, you may not want to trust anything posted with a date of March 31; the media are pretty sure (as am I) that this is an April Fool's joke:

Virgin Moves to Branson, Missouri

I cannot let today pass without a mention of perhaps one of the classic April Fool's Day jokes of all time, the BBC's Panorama broadcast about the Swiss spaghetti harvest:

And I'm thinking that this has leaped the list into first place as my favorite April Fool's joke of all time (number 9 on Mental Floss's list), because the reveal is just perfect:
Y'all enjoy your April Fool's Day, and don't get fooled!


bcg Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
bluffcityguy's Avatar

Originally Posted by Gfe Juliette
I can't afford to spend time with you and your fellow providers, so I have to find some way of occupying that time which is free. Trolling the Web for weird shit is as good a way as any to waste time for no additional marginal cost as any.

The BBC Panorama broadcast is something I stumbled across years ago (possibly as much as a decade ago), and I usually share it on social media on April Fools Day.

Mental Floss posted a list of April Fools Day pranks they loved to Facebook on April 1; I picked that one up there. And the Richard Branson gag got a lot of news sharing on that day. Admittedly, it was a good one.

