We failed to predict and plan says the Calif. Governor

HedonistForever's Avatar

An irate California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed an emergency proclamation allowing some energy users and utilities to tap backup energy sources

Back up sources like oil and gas which have been ordered to shut down under the "Green New Deal" proposed for the entire country by Democrats. So we have our first good look at what a Green New Deal could look like for all of us if Bernie and AOC get their way.

amid a days-long heatwave that has prompted rolling blackouts affecting hundreds of thousands of households.

The governor warned that customers could again lose power as early as 3 p.m. Monday as spiking temperatures strain the state’s power grid. He didn’t say where the outages might occur.

Newsom acknowledged the state failed to predict and plan for the energy shortages.

“I am not pleased with what’s happened,” he said during an afternoon press briefing. “You shouldn’t be pleased with the moment that we’re in in the state of California.”

Newsom also sent a letter demanding that the state energy commission, state public utilities commission and the California Independent System Operator investigate broad energy blackouts over two days last week that he said occurred without prior warning or enough time to prepare.
He said residents battling a heat wave and a pandemic in which they’re encouraged to stay home as much as possible were left without the basic necessity of electricity.

“These blackouts, which occurred without prior warning or enough time for preparation, are unacceptable and unbefitting of the nation’s largest and most innovative state,” Newsom wrote. “This cannot stand. California residents and businesses deserve better from their government.”
But Steve Berberich, president and CEO of California Independent System Operator, which operates the state’s electricity grid, said they have warned the state utilities commission of a resource gap.

“We have indicated in filing after filing after filing that the resource adequacy program was broken and needed to be fixed,” he said. “The situation we are in could have been avoided.”

The unusually hot weather overwhelmed the state’s electrical grid, prompting the California ISO to warn of another electricity supply shortage Sunday, though that one was averted.

Residents may not be so lucky this week as Berberich said Monday: “Near certain we’ll be forced to ask the utilities to cut off power to millions today to balance supply and demand. Today and tomorrow and perhaps beyond.”
California ISO ordered the first rolling outages in nearly 20 years on Friday when it directed utilities around the state to shed their power loads. The state’s three biggest utilities — Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas and Electric — turned off power to more than 410,000 homes and businesses for about an hour at a time until the emergency declaration ended 3 1/2 hours later.
The ISO instituted a second, but shorter, rolling outage Saturday evening that cut power to more than 200,000 customers.

The last time a California governor faced power outages, he was successfully recalled. Gray Davis, a Democrat, was recalled in October 2003 and replaced by Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican.

Customers are asked to reduce energy use, especially during peak evening hours, as the hot weather is expected to last through Wednesday night.

California also still faces the threat of power outages to prevent wildfires. Thousands were without power for days last year when Pacific Gas & Electric and other utilities shut off lines amid high, dry winds in order to prevent wildfires.

The "100% alternative energy plan", is obviously not ready for prim-time but what the heck, let's do it any way to "save the planet" even if neither China or India or any other 3rd world country has the means or desire to help.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Ok. So socialize the electric co?
Might as well. PG&E did go bankrupt
I left Calif a zillion yrs ago when I figured out they had a severe lack of water, that would get worse when they lost their rights (soon) to the Hoover Dam reservoir
rexdutchman's Avatar
How'ed about that "Green solar an wind " not workin out so good ( they forgot the sun goes down and sometimes winds stop ) THINKING IS HARD
They didn't "fail to predict", they were smitten with their own green pipe dream.

There's no "unusually hot spells" in CA. They just don't have heat waves as often as TX or Vegas. Heat waves in LA or San Diego
or Nothern Calli happen. The people in Bakersfield know it.

These fuckers were warned. Bums on the street. Green energy policies that subvert a capitalist system. Open borders. Sky high taxes. Now the CA politicians are screaming "we didn't know."

They knew.
  • Tiny
  • 08-21-2020, 12:24 PM
A little off the subject, but a couple of proposed major natural gas pipelines from the Appalachian Basin to the northeast have been shut down. That's stupid. The gas would have replaced coal and fuel oil, which emit more carbon. The Pollyanna greenies are shooting themselves in the foot. The citizenry suffer too from higher energy prices. The USA is the Saudi Arabia of natural gas, a clean, cheap fuel.

It sounds like California is suffering more from inadequate generating capacity, probably brought on at least in part by bankrupting PG&E, the big utility company, with lawsuits. This wouldn't happen in most red states, as the Republicans aren't being bought off by the plaintiffs' attorneys, so they don't let them run wild.
rexdutchman's Avatar
And NOW a lot of them leavin Cali just great , yes they were told
DPST's are not well enough educated - nor have the attention span thinking is hard
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
No Tiny,
Every power co is regulated.
They go to state and say, more capacity needed and it will cause $x. State says no. Power Co says ok, but will run out if power.
A few yrs later, opps.
Power companies budgets are controlled by state.

  • Tiny
  • 08-21-2020, 12:47 PM
No Tiny,
Every power co is regulated.
They go to state and say, more capacity needed and it will cause $x. State says no. Power Co says ok, but will run out if power.
A few yrs later, opps.
Power companies budgets are controlled by state.

Www.cpuc.ca.gov Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
That makes a lot more sense than what I was speculating. Either way it's bad policies by the state that create the problem.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
That makes a lot more sense than what I was speculating. Either way it's bad policies by the state that create the problem. Originally Posted by Tiny
I've actually danced on front of a different state's PUC. You have to get PUC staff to want to have a power improvement, telco enhancements, new gas line, etc. Or it doesn't fly. PUC staff being over-ruled by appointed political hacks is the actual problem.
  • Tiny
  • 08-21-2020, 01:03 PM
I've actually danced on front of a different state's PUC. You have to get PUC staff to want to have a power improvement, telco enhancements, new gas line, etc. Or it doesn't fly. PUC staff being over-ruled by appointed political hacks is the actual problem. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
What's the hacks reasoning? Are they looking at the short term, trying to save the consumer a buck by preventing capital investment that would improve reliability, service, maybe price in the longer term? Or is it the environmentalists who don't want more infrastructure?
  • oeb11
  • 08-21-2020, 02:33 PM
Do kalifornia DPST weenies need a reason - they are in league with AOC and want to ban all fossil fuels today!!! Per the Soylent Green new Deal.

It is their ideology Uber Alles - and since they are in sinecure kalifornia state jobs - they care less about the people.

Standard DPST opeating procedure - straight from the DNC manual !

most accurate to cut the quote short - Gov Gruesome - "we failed" - and your socialism will always fail.

recall time!!!!
A little off the subject, but a couple of proposed major natural gas pipelines from the Appalachian Basin to the northeast have been shut down. That's stupid. The gas would have replaced coal and fuel oil, which emit more carbon. The Pollyanna greenies are shooting themselves in the foot. The citizenry suffer too from higher energy prices. The USA is the Saudi Arabia of natural gas, a clean, cheap fuel.

It sounds like California is suffering more from inadequate generating capacity, probably brought on at least in part by bankrupting PG&E, the big utility company, with lawsuits. This wouldn't happen in most red states, as the Republicans aren't being bought off by the plaintiffs' attorneys, so they don't let them run wild. Originally Posted by Tiny
Gas would do the trick but they like solar and wind - fucking idiots!
Do kalifornia DPST weenies need a reason - they are in league with AOC and want to ban all fossil fuels today!!! Per the Soylent Green new Deal.

It is their ideology Uber Alles - and since they are in sinecure kalifornia state jobs - they care less about the people.

Standard DPST opeating procedure - straight from the DNC manual !

most accurate to cut the quote short - Gov Gruesome - "we failed" - and your socialism will always fail.

recall time!!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
They should hire illegal aliens and pay them 20 dollars per hour to wave fans to cool people off!
  • Tiny
  • 08-21-2020, 03:23 PM
Gas would do the trick but they like solar and wind - fucking idiots! Originally Posted by friendly fred
Yes, it's perfect being the enemy of good.

Democratic politicians almost universally believe in going to "0" net carbon emissions in the next 10 to 30 years. It's nuts.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
What's the hacks reasoning? Are they looking at the short term, trying to save the consumer a buck by preventing capital investment that would improve reliability, service, maybe price in the longer term? Or is it the environmentalists who don't want more infrastructure? Originally Posted by Tiny
It's the not raise rates thing.

I used to do the doom and gloom presentations to freak the polits.
Their staff would then tell them that they would get me down off the mountain as long as a couple things did go through. Worked sort of ok until longtime staff started retiring and new staff who got jobs from.....
You can see the rest of that.
This was over a decade ago.