Lauren and Amanda

Ok this post is to also clarify what happened with Lauren and Amanda. This post is not to bad talk them or out them, instead this is to offer explanation and express how I feel and offer insight.

I first met Lauren on February 10, 2020 when she was living in Troy. The reason I sought her was her low rates, only $75 for hh. And I was looking for new provider after the stuff with Jada happened (this was fresh then). Like any new provider, I had no idea what she was like, so I went and saw her. I was impressed. She offered gfe with kissing and taking clothes off, a lot of foreplay. And bbfs, well i first asked if she had condoms, she told me that we can do it without, she's clean. Anyways, I like what I saw and Lauren became my go-to, I saw like 3 other providers as well at the time.

Then covid began and Lauren was down in Albany near City Hall and I was seeing her then, same great business. Gradually she slowly climbed to being my main regular as my other providers one by one failed me for reasons I do not need to repeat.

By the time it was mid summer 2020, Lauren had moved out of Downtown Albany and staying at various motels in Albany, Colonie and Latham. She also began bunking with Amanda. I still continued to see Lauren and also began seeing Amanda as new provider, she also allowed me to go bbfs.

All last fall and winter, I saw Lauren and Amanda reguarly for incalls and a few oucalls to my apartment. I also established friendships with them, occasionally going out to eat with one of them at Pizza Hut, Burger King or Denny's (Lauren and I actually celebrated our one year anniversary at Denny's on February 10, 2021). I also did an overnight with Amanda back in January for $500 at my apartment, my very first time in my life I ever slept overnight with a girl in bed - so you can see now why I am so upset at my life.

But over the winter and through the spring, problems began. Lauren and Amanda began being unreliable, never getting back to me and always running late, making me wait in the parking lot for sometimes up to 20 minutes. As a result, my anxiety began to act out and I would get upset and even had a few child like tantrums in the motel parking lot waiting for them or while in their room. One instance, I was going to do outcall with Lauren to my apartment and she ran 40 minutes late and I got upset in parking lot. Meanwhile, Amanda was doing incall, i made a scene and as a result, scared away Amanda's client, causing her to lose the needed money for her room. I felt so bad I gave Amanda $60 just as a friend to make up for my behaviors.

It worsened over the summer, the blew off my birthday. They both had promised to spend the day with me and do outcall to my apartment for my birthday. They never got back to me until last minute and then,Lauren agreed to see me for normal incall, but Amanda would go out for dinner with me. Disappointed about not having an outcall to my apartment, I agree anyways just to have Amanda run to deal with neighbor problem, totally ignoring my birthday. Lauren sees me for normal incall date (bbfs) and then after makes me leave cuz she has another client coming, totally ignoring my birthday. I was so upset, I cried like a little kid with her and she told me not to cry and that was it. Ruined my birthday back in June.

Over the summer, I continued to see them only for the connivence and I was scared to find new providers due to all the problems I had (you may recall I did try with Savannah, but after she robbed me, I stopped seeking out new girls). But the final straw came in August, when I got gonnerea. I know it was Staff Edit medical speculation). I went to doctor and got treated ***** about it, . I sent someone a private message here asking for tips on the situation and ***, explaining what happened. Somehow Hobbyist1 got my message and he began spreading it around to everyone. As a result, everyone found out and nobody wanted to see Lauren or Amanda *******

Word got back to them and Amanda sent me nasty texts telling me she hates me and to lose her number, not caring I got sick by her. Again Hobbyist1 is the one who spread the messages, so how is it my fault? And her lack of empathy about ***** and her continuation to work anyways shows how I was not in the wrong. Lauren meanwhile is more vague and tells me she is upset and needs clientelle to support her room. I still want to see Lauren only from here on (not Amanda) but she is vague and wont give me answer.

I agree to give us a three month break to let this all cool off, I would get retested in 3 months and if I am clean, start ****again. Also I would use the 3 months to improve my behavior and not ask anxious or throw tantrums. Well 3 months passed and I got retested and am clean, I text Lauren and she ghosts me still and doesnt care. I figured she blacklisted me and confirmed this when I tried setting up fake date on texting app and then after she responded told her it was me. This was this past Sunday, thats why I got so upset on Sunday posting here.

I am upset and hurt over this. I saw Lauren a total off 33 times (more than any other provider) and she was always nice and understanding and patient with me. And to just leave me hanging as a client, not even tell me she wasn't going to see me anymore. After we all we went thru. I just wanted another chance to see Lauren again.

I waited to post all of this until now, figuring since they blacklisted me, I can now post this. And yes I am bothered still, I refuse to even drive Central Ave in Colonie because going by the motel they live at, upsets and saddens me (they have lived in same motel room for over a year now, no kidding). I considered that section of Central Ave, their block. And honestly Amanda was no great loss, but Lauren was to me. I don't think Lauren understood how special she was to me.
Once again you fell for a provider and when they get tired of seeing you they borrow and never return !! They've both been around for years have good enough reviews and enough regular cardates to stay busy.nothing you post will affect that.
But since August, I stopped seeing Lauren and Amanda. I saw Saratoga Sky as you all know when I was still infected with the clap but most likely clean from the antibiotics.

A week later, the incident with Violet happens where she suckers me into giving her $300 under the promise that she will fly out from Cali to specifically see me only and spend 3 days with me, staying in my apartment. She needed money for airfare, I foolishly sent it and she took money and ran. You all know the story.

In mid September I had the crazy girl here for outcall, who ripped me off and then went psycho on me in my apartment, so bad I recorded her outburst on my phone just in case she tried to hurt me or falsely accuse me of something.

Then end of September up until two weeks ago, I was seeing Victoria UTR who as you all know faked being pregnant to sucker me for money.

And I am still seeing Menands Milf as my new regular go-to since end of August. Right now, I am only seeing her but will be looking for new girls. I now know how to do things right and I honestly want to be like all of you who don't have these issues and have good times etc. I finally learned and now can do things right like you all have been telling me the past two years.
Once again you fell for a provider and when they get tired of seeing you they borrow and never return !! They've both been around for years have good enough reviews and enough regular cardates to stay busy.nothing you post will affect that. Originally Posted by Scoot642
I did not write this to affect their business. I still like Lauren and would always take her back. I wrote this to explain the situation as to what happened and why I am so upset/sad.

And yes they have enough clients, but apparently end of August, my private messages about the STD got exposed (Hobbyist1 screenshot them and sent them to everyone). As a result, nobody wanted to see either of them and they almost got kicked out of motel room. That is the incident that sealed the deal. And again not my fault as those were private messages never intended to be spread. Furthermore, now that is old history, yet they still won't let it go.
Whatever. But I am not the Peanut Butter troll. I want you all to know that. This account and Hattie 603 are the only accounts that are mine.

Xavier and Loki are right about being two users. The Elephant guy and Handbuy85 (whatever his name is)are not me.

And I am sick of people accusing me of being this other troll. It has effected my personal life and everything. I had to delete my facebook all cuz of this, I was getting threatening and harassing messages calling me out for the peanut butter troll stuff.
Mr.Random's Avatar
Mindboggling why anyone responds to this nonsense.. if he heard nothing but crickets.. he probably woulda disappeared long ago.. but this.. and the other site have turned into a ridiculous maury povich show.. changed right b4 our eyes.. a painful shame we have to witness this never ending wasteful merry-go-round!