Newbie Provider Rates

What is up with the newbie provider rates as of late? I know we're all trying to get our little pounds of flesh But I don't get why they come in posting $350 or $300 an hour with a half hour $50 less than the hour!
At those rates we Barons, Lords, and even the peasants can get with well beautiful, well reviewed and established providers. Not saying these newbies aren't beautiful but if I'm selling sodas, you're not going to buy a 12oz Dr Thunder at $1.25 when you can get the well established name and great taste of Dr. Pepper for $0.75. Terrible analogy, I know but I'm enjoying a can of Dr Pepper right now lol.
I realize some may be managed or get in with a friend already in the community but don't see why they come in so high.
Just curious on how others feel about it, as well as how those lovely ladies who have been around a while feel about it and yet continue to provide good service at a lower rate; You're the real MVP 👏!
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Just a couple of ideas....
They may have been told that they are worth that or see others making that rate.
Maybe they just want to make quick money with only 1 or 2 appts a week.
They may also start high and offer specials. But if guys are willing to pay the higher rates they will keep them there.
Until they are established as reliable, most guys don't want to take that chance though and they don't realize that.

I like keeping my rates reasonable because I enjoy what I do. I know that my age discourages some guys but it's also why I get certain guys too.
Gee, maybe they should just leave a tip jar at the door.

Clearly many guys are very willing to pay those rates would start falling. Get over it .
Roger.Smith's Avatar
Probably the perception that there's more money to be had here. One sub-$200 BP provider in W&I dediced she's worth $350 here. If she can get it more power to her. There's always some guy with more money than brains, some men will schedule a session with an escort using Kim Kardashian pictures.
I think all the hype on this board drives those prices.
FunInDFW's Avatar
It's almost as if they don't want to really offer that half hour and make the hour rate that much more of a 'value'...
blowmypop23's Avatar
There was a thread from one of those newbies charging $300 asking about how she could get reviews. Should she offer a review special, so far her review special had only gotten her 1 review. That same lady trolls iso and answers almost every request every day as do her 3 friends with the same rates.

At some point they will have to lower the rate to get reviews so that they can charge the $300. Your Dr Pepper analogy is spot on and I agree 100%. There is no way I would spend $300 on a brand new lady regardless of how she looks because she is unknown. If a lady has no reviews then for all intensive purposes she is a bp provider and should be charging bp rates.
There was a thread from one of those newbies charging $300 asking about how she could get reviews. Should she offer a review special, so far her review special had only gotten her 1 review. That same lady trolls iso and answers almost every request every day as do her 3 friends with the same rates.

At some point they will have to lower the rate to get reviews so that they can charge the $300. Your Dr Pepper analogy is spot on and I agree 100%. There is no way I would spend $300 on a brand new lady regardless of how she looks because she is unknown. If a lady has no reviews then for all intensive purposes she is a bp provider and should be charging bp rates. Originally Posted by blowmypop23
I wanted to see 1 or 2 of those ladies but usually they only offer outcalls which makes them even more expensive. so i just gotta move on.
I wanted to see 1 or 2 of those ladies but usually they only offer outcalls which makes them even more expensive. so i just gotta move on. Originally Posted by bobo1cg
Same here…I also like a couple of them and actually talked to one of the ladies. I REALLY wanted to see her (still do!) Because of no in-call, there was no meeting. And I even spent some time looking into hotels/motels on google maps—between where she lives and my office—just to see if I could help her out. The fact is, if her rate were lower, I might be willing to pay for the in-call. But you're right Bobo, it's a double whammy—the in-call rate is 50 less than the out-call rate, but there's never an in-call option.

Good topic OP. And I've been noticing this too. I run across a newbie showcase of a beautiful woman, who sounds cool, then when I make my way to her rates and it says 300 (or more). . . wow. As was stated, there are many SOLID veteran providers who are 250, 200, and sometimes even less than that.

I think it can go the other way. Start out reasonable and work your way up to the 3 Ben range.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Gee, maybe they should just leave a tip jar at the door.

Clearly many guys are very willing to pay those rates would start falling. Get over it . Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing

I wouldn't go that far and say many guys- if you look at the trend- just take a glance at the first 3 pages of the WW and look at the newbies coming in and asking 300hr- they come and go- no longevity at all- they may catch one or two guys at those intro rates, but to say many is a far stretch.
I agree with what others have said- no way would I pay 300 hr for a newbie -especially if they are offering non- GFE services and have no reviews- when there are plenty other ladies that are far more established.
Here's a prime example : her intro rates on ECCIE are 200 HHR and 350 HR
A Hobbyist with some good recon pointed out that he saw her post this AD on a different site: her rates on that site for same service are 80 HHR and 120 HR.
She basically tripled her rates when she posted on ECCIE- sure this is a capitalist society and ladies are allowed to post and charge what they like and the buyer can refuse and express their opinions as well, but OBSG I don't think you should just tell a hobbyist to get over it- when there's obvious discrepancies.
99% of the girls in the ww are gone in a week. So its about more than money. Its about running a business and wanting to succeed. If a girl wants to come in at the right price and earn a reputation the sky is her limit.
  • Ender
  • 08-12-2015, 08:17 PM
Great point. I think the number of guys that gush over new girls saying how excited they are to see them and their CBJ no GFE $300 menu just encourages them. A welcome is fine, but it seems over the top. Maybe "You are very hot, would love to see you if the menu was better and the price comes down."
Hell, half the time guys gush over a girl and their aren't even pictures up yet.

I wouldn't go that far and say many guys- if you look at the trend- just take a glance at the first 3 pages of the WW and look at the newbies coming in and asking 300hr- they come and go- no longevity at all- they may catch one or two guys at those intro rates, but to say many is a far stretch.
I agree with what others have said- no way would I pay 300 hr for a newbie -especially if they are offering non- GFE services and have no reviews- when there are plenty other ladies that are far more established.
Here's a prime example : her intro rates on ECCIE are 200 HHR and 350 HR
A Hobbyist with some good recon pointed out that he saw her post this AD on a different site: her rates on that site for same service are 80 HHR and 120 HR.
She basically tripled her rates when she posted on ECCIE- sure this is a capitalist society and ladies are allowed to post and charge what they like and the buyer can refuse and express their opinions as well, but OBSG I don't think you should just tell a hobbyist to get over it- when there's obvious discrepancies. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
214_TX's Avatar
Pass, time to take a stand