Phish threat blocking me

So let me just start off by saying that I am like technology retarded & prob need to take a course to learn all this shit or something -so don't flame me, please?

I hope the site or mods won't have an issue & if they do they'll forgive me or be understanding. I had to with over from my usual chrome browser to TOR -because even Opera was blocking me. My avast antivirus keeps blocking me from accessing Eccie or imagecoast -says that there is a chase bank phish threat. I'm not sure why my chase bank would be interfering or how the two are interacting or a virus or whatever. Both are free sites.... I could see if it was interfering with E** since that is paid -but only Eccie & image coast so far from what I can see for now.

I'm guessing I'm gonna have to get my laptop fixed or is this a simple fix?

By the way mods or admins if my posts or ads are coming up dif, I had to use my iphone to try & post my ad while I was updating my TOR browser since I couldn't access Eccie from chrome...
