Is CoEd Fixed?

DownForWhatever's Avatar
Is CoEd finally restored to being a real CoEd section again...and not ISO?

...sure looks that way!

And Big Thanks if it's true!
Brandofan's Avatar
Many would argue it was already broken before the blackout, but I too am glad to see coed free of all those ISOs!
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Fixed isn't quite the term i'd use.

I prefer to say it's finally been spayed and/or neutered.
DownForWhatever's Avatar

Thanks Again!

Fixed isn't quite the term i'd use.

I prefer to say it's finally been spayed and/or neutered. Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle
CG2014's Avatar
Fixed isn't quite the term i'd use.

I prefer to say it's finally been spayed and/or neutered. Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle
From the look of that drama thread going on 34 pages and counting, I think someone forgot to give Coed a rabies shot or two.

Would think that thread would stop growing once the girl in the title of it was banned but nope.

Why is the other one still allowed to continue her ranting and insults?
Brandofan's Avatar
Because she loves her some Wakeup.
txexetoo's Avatar
As long as BoweLMovement is around coed will never be fixed
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Is CoEd finally restored to being a real CoEd section again...and not ISO?

...sure looks that way!

! Originally Posted by DownForWhatever
ISO Latina spinner. PM please.

Chung Tran's Avatar
Fixed isn't quite the term i'd use.

I prefer to say it's finally been spayed and/or neutered. Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle
it is better, but there is that one lingering issue you and I have talked about it probably won't get fixed, but I'm not losing any sleep over it.. in fact, as I approach 20,000 posts, one could argue I should put the post restrictions AND myself to bed, LOL