This just in from Topeka . . .

Well, this didn't take long (after Brownback's visit). FTFA - "The amendment’s sponsor, Rep. Mike Slattery, an Mission Democrat, said the idea is to go after the demand for prostitutes". Brownback was quoted as saying recently in Kansas City "if there was no demand, there would be no supply, we have to ensure that there is no demand".


- Jackie
a. Thanks for the info

b. If this is passed, I'm out of the hobby (at least in Kansas)

c. There's another little nugget:

"It would also allow authorities to seize property and money from human traffickers, much in the same way that law enforcement already seizes the profits of drug dealers." a friend, lose your car.
I believe that MO is already like this. When a friend was pinched he was looking at having to register, but plead down to something else to avoid that. Not sure if this was just a scare technique but it worked for my err friend.
jk543_1's Avatar
I saw a story about this on this evening. They'll put you on the sex offenders list for 10 years. Only 10 years you say... we'll they limit it to 10 years because you might be only 18 years old and they don't want to punish you for you're whole life. Gee thanks.
Longermonger's Avatar
"The bill’s other components would redefine the crime of human trafficking to make it easier for police and prosecutors to go after offenders." ...and their property

Redefine it to what? Is every "client" now going to be considered a human trafficker?
BiggestBest's Avatar
This bill dilutes the definition of sex offender. The longterm effect is that child molesters will have even less scrutiny. They can claim to neighbors that they were arrested for being a john. Poorly thought out.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
I believe that MO is already like this. When a friend was pinched he was looking at having to register, but plead down to something else to avoid that. Not sure if this was just a scare technique but it worked for my err friend. Originally Posted by jeyhawq88
In MO it would only apply if it involved a minor.
"This bill dilutes the definition of sex offender."

The Kansas list is already the 'Registered Offender List', which includes murderers and who knows what else. Its miles long, and diluted from its original purpose already.
This bill dilutes the definition of sex offender. The longterm effect is that child molesters will have even less scrutiny. They can claim to neighbors that they were arrested for being a john. Poorly thought out. Originally Posted by BiggestBest
THANK YOU!!! You are so correct! Why put men/hobbyist on a Sex Offender Registry that really aren't doing anything more than consensual fun on both ends? However, if for some reason the girl did turn out to be under 18 years old then maybe yeah the hobbyist needs to go on that registry (case by case basis).

BUT for now we have to keep that site for the WORST of the WORST, the fuckers that are so selfish that they put their own needs before that of the health, safety and general welfare of a CHILD! Nothing makes me more LIVID/IRATE than those FUCKS!!! Also included on the Sex Offender Registry list should be of course the rapists, etc that do sexual crimes to adults.

We need to make a stand, and bring those fucking child molesters out of the woodwork making sure that NO more Children will ever be hurt again!!! The long term effects will last a life time for a victimized child, and they are beyond all comprehension. Taking years/lifetime to heal the wounds, and stopping the long term effects from ruining their lives on a daily basis.

This proposal is just ignorant! The hobbyist don't deserve it, they are not in the same category as some low life child molester, rapist, etc. Ticket/Arrest/Sex Classes/Probation, whatever they feel like "they" need to do to punish LOL, but putting the hobbyist on that registry is just completely inappropriate as it also takes the heat off the real predators of the world...

P.S. You can go to on the net, or if you have a phone where you can download Apps, there is a great one called CRIME REPORTS (it's free) and tells you all the crimes that have happened in your neighborhood or anywhere you choose & also lists the Sex Offenders, where they live, their picture & what they did.
This really sucks. Hope it doesn't go through. :-(