KU continues their quest of greatness
15-0 baby!!
ampad's Avatar
  • ampad
  • 01-06-2010, 08:26 PM
Pfff. Barely. I imagine that was a little too close for comfort for you KU fans.
We took the day off,we getting ready for Tennessee this weekend!
jayhawkrobbie's Avatar
KU continues their quest of greatness
15-0 baby!! Originally Posted by Taylorsweet
Outstanding...let's keep the karma going on this board.
ampad's Avatar
  • ampad
  • 01-06-2010, 08:59 PM
Just wait till they have to play MU!

/MU fan...even I just lol'ed
What makes you laugh can make you cry Mr
femurman2003's Avatar
To AMPAD - I believe that Temple wanted to play KU, too.
ampad's Avatar
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  • 01-06-2010, 09:19 PM
Exactly. Difference is MU doesn't think they are all that like those fools from Temple. MU's only chance is 1) hope KU plays down to their level 2) KU comes out flat.

MU has played well on their court this year, so even with the talent mismatch it should still be a fun game to watch. Nothing like a good old fashion border war!
I agree the border showdown is what makes the big 12 so competitive!
K.U. will come out on top if they keep their poise....
I think this is 1 of their best teams in history! But I will wait until
the end of the season to make anymore comments like that.lol
Fermurman do you too not believe in the Fog?
mojoworkin's Avatar
That was a horrible performance. They better step it up, or they won't even win the Big 12.
You know how they tend to steer away from what coach Self
wants them to do.... Get the ball to Alridge and the rest should work out!
I think K.U. showed good team work even when their back was against the wall. Ppl tend to play harder against you when you're #1. Lets just hope they learned from this game.
oldman49's Avatar
Good test for them before big12 play. Off night for them free throws and easy layups.
Now, Now there no time to worry now Oldman49. We have a big game this weekend and I'm pretty sure Coach Self is fixing that problem with free throw and lay-up drills and maybe some laps around good old Allen Field House!
Hmmm, didn't know Taylorsweet was such a RockChalk fan... woohoo! After last night's game, I would imagine Coach has those boys workin' their collective asses off today. I was almost of the opinion that a loss now wouldn't necessarily be a disaster. Although I love their high ranking, they don't need to be #1 now, and one could argue whether they should be there. With that all said, they are definitely going to need to play harder and better than they did last night. We'll call it an "off night" and move on. Bring on the conference games..! But remember boys, ONE GAME AT A TIME!