Meanwhile, down in Texas

At least one republican has got the stones to say what every republican with an IQ above room temperature ought to be saying.....

Former GOP lawmaker blisters Abbott for ‘pandering to idiots’ over military exercises

Christy Hoppe Email

Published: April 30, 2015 5:36 pm


Former Rep. Todd Smith, R-Euless, who served eight terms in the Texas House.

A 16-year Republican veteran of the Legislature wrote Gov. Greg Abbott saying he is appalled that the governor has given credence to a fringe group that fears the U.S. military would stage a take-over of Texas.

Abbott has ordered the Texas state Guard to monitor a large-scale, eight-week military exercise this summer of special operation forces. Social media has pushed the conspiracy notion that the exercise, called Jade Helm 15, is a ruse to confiscate guns and declare martial law in hostile states.

After citizens raised concerns, Abbott said the state Guard will keep tabs on the operation to ensure Texans that “their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed.”

In his letter to the governor, Todd Smith of Euless, who retired from public office in 2013, said he is “horrified that I have to choose between the possibility that my Governor actually believes this stuff and the possibility that my Governor doesn’t have the backbone to stand up to those who do.”

He said he wrote because the thought that the U.S. military would be a threat to Texas is “embarrassing” and it is important “to rational governance that thinking Republicans call you out on it.”

“Is there ANYBODY who is going to stand up to this radical nonsense that is a cancer on our State and our Party?” Smith asked.

Smith is an attorney practicing in Euless and said in an interview that he was so disturbed by Abbott’s response that he laid in bed frustrated and unable to sleep.
He woke up this morning and decided to write Abbott the letter, which he also sent copies to the state House and Senate.

The governor’s office was not immediately available for comment.
LexusLover's Avatar
Smith is an attorney practicing in Euless and said in an interview that he was so disturbed by Abbott’s response that he laid in bed frustrated and unable to sleep..... Originally Posted by timpage
He should probably retire from "practicing" law, as well.
At least one republican has got the stones to say what every republican with an IQ above room temperature ought to be saying.....
Originally Posted by timpage
Oh boo hoo! Stop whining. Next time don't run a woman who wants abortion on demand for governor.

So the "National Guard is gonna keep it's eye on the situation." What does that even mean?
FoulRon's Avatar
Damn, never thought I'd ever hear something I agreed with coming from Todd Smith.

Oh boo hoo! Stop whining. Next time don't run a woman who wants abortion on demand for governor.

So the "National Guard is gonna keep it's eye on the situation." What does that even mean? Originally Posted by gnadfly
It means, "I heard ya, but I don't want to call you guys idiots in public. I probably want to get re-elected some time and just might need your votes."
Basically, he's blowing them off, as I doubt anyone in the NG will even know it's going on, unless they're called on to take part in the exercise.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It is always a good idea to monitor what the Feds are doing.
Gov Abbott is pandering to his base. It's something all polititians do.

I look at it as a harmless endevour. Everybody knows how the game is played.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So the left wants to disarm the police, arrest them, and convict them of various crimes but are okay with armed soldiers running around doing drills that we don't know much about.
LexusLover's Avatar
So the left ....are okay with armed soldiers running around doing drills that we don't know much about. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Don't you just love the "transparency" .....

.... ISIS gets to know about our military strategy to attack them, but Texans are not informed as to why there is a military exercise ongoing in their State?

Seems like a "military exercise" would have helped out in Maryland ... at least quieted things down a bit and would give the military some "real world' urban experience. It's ok for the Guard to keep an eye on the Black people, but not the U.S. military? Hmmmmmm. "Alice in Wonderland"?
Fucking looney tunes....
LexusLover's Avatar
Fucking looney tunes.... Originally Posted by timpage
I think he is also. He's actually losing sleep over it. Didn't you bring it up?

Two peas in a pod.
I think he is also. He's actually losing sleep over it. Didn't you bring it up?

Two peas in a pod. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're an idiot.
You're an idiot. Originally Posted by timpage
And that's on one of LLIdiot's better days (in the Idiotville Nursing Home and Asylum).

Beyond that, it is all downhill.

It's a mood swings thing!
That guy just LOOKS like a mouthbreather...
So the left wants to disarm the police, arrest them, and convict them of various crimes but are okay with armed soldiers running around doing drills that we don't know much about. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Buy more tin foil.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hey! Why don't we put the army on the border for some interdiction training. That might actually make sense and save us some money.