Black Cop Driving F. Gray in Police Van in Baltimore Charged with 2nd Degree Murder!!

  • DSK
  • 05-02-2015, 07:42 AM
Three of the six cops were black, one was a black woman, the police chief is black, and a black policeman was driving the damn van, perhaps slinging Freddie Gray to his death.
It is still whitey's fault!!!!! Right??? It is still a white controlled system even though Baltimore has a black mayor, and the Attorney General of the United States is also black, as is the President?
This is a link to a report that Freddie Gray may have caused his own injuries. Apparently he wasn't the only one in the van. The other arrestee being transported wasn't injured by any erratic driving by the police officer, and stated Freddie Gray was intentionally trying to harm himself. This sounds more believable than a police officer driving a transport van in such a manner that his occupant was thrown about the inside so violently that he would sustain life threatening injuries.

This is a link to a report that Freddie Gray may have caused his own injuries. Apparently he wasn't the only one in the van. The other arrestee being transported wasn't injured by any erratic driving by the police officer, and stated Freddie Gray was intentionally trying to harm himself.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Now that young man has retracted what he allegedly said

Appears to be a fine young upstanding citizen to me, maybe one of you business owners here might like to hire him. I'm sure he'd be very good for your customer service division.
I had a situation happen last evening that was quite analogous to what is going on in Baltimore and what has happened in our recent past that I'd like to share.

I am getting off the Florida turnpike and usually go straight through with Sun Pass, no problem. Well yesterday, there a long line and a big truck just sitting there, everyone is getting upset with the truck driver beeping their horns, getting out of their cars, yelling profanities at the driver as he just sat there. I decided to just pay the .75 and go through, it was really that easy. Well once I get through, the problem becomes quite apparent, there is a little car and an elderly gentleman driving around in circles, totally in confusion, (he had gone the wrong way, lord don't ask me how) I pull over to help, get out and still hear people back there calling the truck driver a f--ing idiot, horns blaring, etc., funny thing was, even when I got gentleman over to the side rode, (called 911, as I did not think he should be driving) so everyone could get through, people were passing the truck driver giving him finger and what not.

Moral of the story:

Not everything one sees and hears is the truth, it might be their truth, but certainly not the whole truth of the actual facts.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It does not matter what the facts are when you are dealing with democrats, they were all acting in concert with "The Man".
Now that young man has retracted what he allegedly said

Appears to be a fine young upstanding citizen to me, maybe one of you business owners here might like to hire him. I'm sure he'd be very good for your customer service division. Originally Posted by Cherie
Why would he retract his original story? Was he that mistaken, or was he persuaded? I guess the world will never know.

  • shanm
  • 05-02-2015, 11:07 AM
Moral of the story:

Not everything one sees and hears is the truth, it might be their truth, but certainly not the whole truth of the actual facts. Originally Posted by Cherie
And I guess you somehow know the "actual facts" better than the rest of us. Better than a court of law even.

I bet your indignation went missing when officer Wilson was cleared. In that case the "actual facts" were "clear as day" to the courts that acquitted him.
Why would he retract his original story? Was he that mistaken, or was he persuaded? I guess the world will never know.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I suspect when he got back out on "the street", he got to thinking about what his peers thought about helping the "PoPo".

What ever the life expectancy of the crowd he hangs with is in "The Hood", his just got shorter.
  • D.G.
  • 05-02-2015, 11:29 AM
Some of them cant even run a household. How do people expect them to run a city, state, or country?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Why would he retract his original story? Was he that mistaken, or was he persuaded? I guess the world will never know.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Probably the same reason a couple of people in Ferguson changed their stories, the community didn't like what they heard.
Come on Mojo, I know you are an intelligent guy. Do you really believe that with his arms shackled, and his legs shackled, he could deliberately hit his own head hard enough to sever his spine?

Think about it. The only way you are going to sever your spine by hitting a metal partition is to literally ram your head into it, preferably at a slight angle so that the force of the blow is absorbed into your neck, rather than absorbed by your skull.

Now, you are lying on your stomach. Your arms are bound, and your legs are bound. Don't bother with slamming your head on the floor. All that will accomplish is to give yourself one hell of a goose egg, perhaps even a concussion if you are really determined, but it will not sever your spine. No, the only way to injure your spine is to ram into the partition in front you. Now, how exactly do you propose to ram yourself at the wall in front of you with enough force to sever your spine? With wings perhaps?

No. This is on the driver. Mr. On the Up and Up thought he would have a little fun with the douche in the back by speeding up and slamming on the brakes a few times. Funny haha. Except he did it a little too hard.

Now, if the guy on the other side of the partition is belted in the way he is supposed to be, he won't go flying, but he would certainly hear some bangs every time Freddy goes flying.
Come on Mojo, I know you are an intelligent guy. Do you really believe that with his arms shackled, and his legs shackled, he could deliberately hit his own head hard enough to sever his spine?

Think about it. The only way you are going to sever your spine by hitting a metal partition is to literally ram your head into it, preferably at a slight angle so that the force of the blow is absorbed into your neck, rather than absorbed by your skull.

Now, you are lying on your stomach. Your arms are bound, and your legs are bound. Don't bother with slamming your head on the floor. All that will accomplish is to give yourself one hell of a goose egg, perhaps even a concussion if you are really determined, but it will not sever your spine. No, the only way to injure your spine is to ram into the partition in front you. Now, how exactly do you propose to ram yourself at the wall in front of you with enough force to sever your spine? With wings perhaps?

No. This is on the driver. Mr. On the Up and Up thought he would have a little fun with the douche in the back by speeding up and slamming on the brakes a few times. Funny haha. Except he did it a little too hard.

Now, if the guy on the other side of the partition is belted in the way he is supposed to be, he won't go flying, but he would certainly hear some bangs every time Freddy goes flying. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
The driver of that van would have had to make some pretty tight turns at high speeds to cause Gray to be thrown violently about to such an extent that serious injuries would have occurred. The other prisoner, as far as I know hasn't mentioned anything about the erratic driving. I think it would have been obvious to him that the officer's driving was out of the ordinary. I can only speak for myself, but if it was me and detectives questioned me on the incident, I would have told them the officer driving the van was driving like a dam nut.

Why would he retract his original story? Was he that mistaken, or was he persuaded? I guess the world will never know.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You think the guy severed his own spinal cord? That seems.....unlikely.
The driver of that van would have had to make some pretty tight turns at high speeds to cause Gray to be thrown violently about to such an extent that serious injuries would have occurred. The other prisoner, as far as I know hasn't mentioned anything about the erratic driving. I think it would have been obvious to him that the officer's driving was out of the ordinary. I can only speak for myself, but if it was me and detectives questioned me on the incident, I would have told them the officer driving the van was driving like a dam nut.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
So you mean you think Gray is more capable of propelling himself into the wall than the van is capable of doing? There is absolutely no logic in that. How did he do it? His legs and arms were shackled. Go lay down on a floor. Put your hands by your side and hold your feet together. Now see how much force you can generate by propelling yourself forward. I'll eat my garters if you can come anywhere close to the force necessary to sever your spine.

This wasn't the first time this happened either.
LexusLover's Avatar
TThe other arrestee being transported wasn't injured by any erratic driving by the police officer, and stated Freddie Gray was intentionally trying to harm himself. This sounds more believable than a police officer driving a transport van in such a manner that his occupant was thrown about the inside so violently that he would sustain life threatening injuries. Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I want him to be my driver. He is so skilled he can injury one person in a van, but not the other one. That is some damn good driving.