Heroin dealer gets a White House send off...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
...but a hero cop killed in the line of duty is ignored (except by law enforcement personnel).

Yep, Obama puts it out there again. We have to celebrate the lives of thugs like Michael Brown and Freddie Gray (I wonder what their street monikers were) and the White House sends people to the funeral. A hero cop (that means he had many citations for meritorious service) gets shit. Still, I think the cops would rather not have someone from the White House or Justice Department at this time.

...but a hero cop killed in the line of duty is ignored (except by law enforcement personnel).

Yep, Obama puts it out there again. We have to celebrate the lives of thugs like Michael Brown and Freddie Gray (I wonder what their street monikers were) and the White House sends people to the funeral. A hero cop (that means he had many citations for meritorious service) gets shit. Still, I think the cops would rather not have someone from the White House or Justice Department at this time.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

He had 2 citations. Not 'many' as you said. Not saying he wasn't a good cop, but let's not dishonor the dead by being dishonest about their lives.

As for Obama, you'll find any reason to jump on the man's ass. This is just another example. White cops die every day in this country. Should he go to every funeral?
Obamas sons between the ages of 16-35 are all that matters...they commit HALF of the murders in this country and they make up THREE PERCENT of our population.
Obamas sons between the ages of 16-35 are all that matters... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Since that is "all that matters," please provide the actual links as well as copies of the "birth certificates" for "Obamas sons between the ages of 16-35."
Since that is "all that matters," please provide the actual links as well as copies of the "birth certificates" for "Obamas sons between the ages of 16-35." Originally Posted by bigtex
BGItex the "White Al Sharpton"... here you go...


JD Barleycorn's Avatar
He had 2 citations. Not 'many' as you said. Not saying he wasn't a good cop, but let's not dishonor the dead by being dishonest about their lives.

As for Obama, you'll find any reason to jump on the man's ass. This is just another example. White cops die every day in this country. Should he go to every funeral? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Talk about a lie. How many white cops die in this country everyday? Then again, you brought up race and we all know that you are a racist. I'm talking about cops versus criminals. You only see black and white. Is this Obama?

To first statement you made, so it dishonors Gray and Brown if the media lies about their lives (which they have). You've been hoist!
LexusLover's Avatar
As for Obama, you'll find any reason to jump on the man's ass. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Michelle is not interesting at all. Does she remind you of anyone?

White cops die every day in this country. Should he go to every funeral? Originally Posted by WombRaider
If they die in the line of duty ... Black, Brown, and whatever color also.
Talk about a lie. How many white cops die in this country everyday? Then again, you brought up race and we all know that you are a racist. I'm talking about cops versus criminals. You only see black and white. Is this Obama?

To first statement you made, so it dishonors Gray and Brown if the media lies about their lives (which they have). You've been hoist! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You're fucking clueless and hopeless. Four out of five dentists prefer BBBJ. The fifth one is you, in a truckstop gloryhole. YOU were the one who brought up race, mentioning he was a WHITE cop. Don't turn this around on me, shitsipper. Cops versus criminals? What the fuck does that even mean.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Better look again Baby Killer. You brought up race first.

Of course I don't see much of a response from the left here. Ashamed? Embarassed? Maybe both? Of course Baby Killer is immune from things like shame and embarassment.
Better look again Baby Killer. You brought up race first.

Of course I don't see much of a response from the left here. Ashamed? Embarassed? Maybe both? Of course Baby Killer is immune from things like shame and embarassment. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I brought up race first? BULLSHIT, you faggot-ass republitard. You brought it up, with this sentence:

We have to celebrate the lives of thugs like Michael Brown and Freddie Gray

Now how in the fuck could anyone else have brought up race first, when you did it right there in your second sentence? Get real, motherfucker. YOU better look again, cocksucker.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No mention of race there except for people who live and die by White House talking points. Thug is not a racial word. The original thugees were from the under continent of Asia, notably what we now call India. They were assassins.

Only you think the term is racist which kind of proves that you work for the White House and you are a racist.
No mention of race there except for people who live and die by White House talking points. Thug is not a racial word. The original thugees were from the under continent of Asia, notably what we now call India. They were assassins.

Only you think the term is racist which kind of proves that you work for the White House and you are a racist. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If you're going to sit there and try to honestly bullshit me about the word 'thug' and what it currently means in our society, you're dumber than hammered shit. Who the fuck knows or cares where it originally came from. Thug and gangster aren't synonyms, not that you would know that. Thug is a code word. It denotes black youths. You know that it does. Your denial makes you look even worse. MANY people think the term is racist. Tell you what, walk up to a black mother and ask her where her little thugs are at. You'll find out real quick how racist it is.
If you're going to sit there and try to honestly bullshit me about the word 'thug' and what it currently means in our society, you're dumber than hammered shit. Who the fuck knows or cares where it originally came from. Thug and gangster aren't synonyms, not that you would know that. Thug is a code word. It denotes black youths. You know that it does. Your denial makes you look even worse. MANY people think the term is racist. Tell you what, walk up to a black mother and ask her where her little thugs are at. You'll find out real quick how racist it is. Originally Posted by WombRaider

If her children were currently in trouble with the law for selling drugs, accousting citizens, roughing up store clerks for confronting them about stealing, being seen running out of a store with a TV during a riot, I imagine she she just might agree.

But for the expediency of the times, such individules should simply be referred to for what they are. Criminals.
...but a hero cop killed in the line of duty is ignored (except by law enforcement personnel).

Yep, Obama puts it out there again. We have to celebrate the lives of thugs like Michael Brown and Freddie Gray (I wonder what their street monikers were) and the White House sends people to the funeral. A hero cop (that means he had many citations for meritorious service) gets shit. Still, I think the cops would rather not have someone from the White House or Justice Department at this time.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

You cheapen the officer's sacrifice by trying to utilize it for political purposes. You're a douchebag, admiral.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
And Timmie dear boy, you're a thug. Pointing out what happened (fact) is not political unless YOU feel that it is. Another Freudian?