Why I Will No Longer Stand For The National Anthem -The Star MANGLED Banner

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Besides Colin Kaepernick being 100% right in protest against the police murderous behavior I just realized the anthem literally celebrates the death of slaves. Historians all agree that it does as well and that it is a disgrace. Let's examine it here and now. The 3rd stanza of the American National Anthem reads:

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country, should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:

And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave,
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
I'm done singing this shit forever until this is fixed. So let me listen to this one more time:

I B Hankering's Avatar
Besides Colin Kaepernick being 100% right in protest against the police murderous behavior I just realized the anthem literally celebrates the death of slaves. Historians all agree that it does as well and that it is a disgrace. Let's examine it here and now. The 3rd stanza of the American National Anthem reads:

I'm done singing this shit forever until this is fixed. So let me listen to this one more time:

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Another lib-retarded, jiz tainted, Kool Aid lie that jackasses like you willingly swallow because your handlers tell you to swallow, Shit-stained Chapped-ass.

There are millions of people in this world who would gladly take your place and willingly embrace the privilege of standing for the American National Anthem; so, why don't you book an exchange with one of them and you go to their third world hovel and let them come here to enjoy the freedoms and privileges you are so willing to denigrate, Shit-stained Chapped-ass?
lustylad's Avatar
Surely you must also find it disgusting and offensive that Barack and Michelle and their family lived for 8 years in the same house that the (black) Colonial Marines fighting for the British crown set fire to in 1812. How could the Obamas do that? It's a symbol of black oppression!

And surely it was wrong for the Obamas to stand for the playing of the National Anthem throughout his Presidency, right sissy chap? Why didn't you demand they stop?

And why is Marvin Gaye singing that racist rap anyway? Let's hear him do the third verse!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-04-2017, 01:21 PM

There are millions of people in this world who would gladly take your place and willingly embrace the privilege of standing for the American National Anthem;
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Yea but Trump is not letting them in and in fact is kicking a bunch already here, out!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yea but Trump is not letting them in and in fact is kicking a bunch already here, out! Originally Posted by WTF
Trump is letting in enough that Shit-stained Chapped-ass can make room for one legal immigrant by emigrating elsewhere. Shit-stained Chapped-ass would fit right in in Venezuela where they have more shit than shit paper.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Wow, I never really knew an idiot before.
I mean, I know you online and not in person but still.

Now I can say I know an idiot
lustylad's Avatar
Yea but Trump is not letting them in and in fact is kicking a bunch already here, out! Originally Posted by WTF
YOU'RE LYING AGAIN, you dicklicking jackass!

Legal immigration continues at a rate of over 1 million a year. Even under proposed legislation to reduce it, Trump will still be "letting in" over 500,000 people a year as legal citizens.

"The projections cited by the sponsors said legal immigration would decrease to 637,960 after a year and to 539,958 after a decade."

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
chapped lipped, boy you really are stuck on stupid.

that line does not mean what you think it means.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
None of you ASS CLOWNS can legitimately refute my OP. I don't give a fuck that you disagree with the sentiment the fact remains 99% of historians agree it's a direct insult to American slaves. I'm sure if these American slaves were white you Putz's would be screaming bloody murder.

All of you num-nuts can fuck off and choke on a dick to be honest.
lustylad's Avatar
chapped lipped, boy you really are stuck on stupid.

that line does not mean what you think it means. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Doesn't matter. Shit-stained needs something to remind her that the whole country is racist and she is oppressed. If not the national anthem, she'll find something else. She is a victim and America is the oppressor. Libtardism 101.
Another lib-retarded, jiz tainted, Kool Aid lie that jackasses like you willingly swallow because your handlers tell you to swallow, Shit-stained Chapped-ass.

There are millions of people in this world who would gladly take your place and willingly embrace the privilege of standing for the American National Anthem; so, why don't you book an exchange with one of them and you go to their third world hovel and let them come here to enjoy the freedoms and privileges you are so willing to denigrate, Shit-stained Chapped-ass?
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And while you are at it shitstain, why don't you go to your local INS office, REVOKE Your US citizenship, STOP accepting any FEDERAL US payments of anysort, cash in and give up all your US money, and move to a country more to your liking..
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
There are some things about this country I like and some things I dislike. I will never pledge no fucking allegiance to no one's flag I don't give a fuck what country I live in. Why pledge allegiance when the country hasn't issued a formal apology for slavery and still treat blacks like shit. I'd have to be some kind of idiot to pledge allegiance to that reality. All of you are morons and none of you are critical thinking people. Just Manchurian type, easily programmed retards is what all of you are.
lustylad's Avatar
99% of historians agree it's a direct insult to American slaves. I'm sure if these American slaves were white you Putz's would be screaming bloody murder. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You're making up that 99%, chappedass. The exact meaning of "hirelings and slaves" isn't clear. If "hirelings" refers to white mercenaries, should they be insulted too? Bloody murder! Abolish the national anthem!

You're a laughingstock. What will you find to be offended by next?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
And while you are at it shitstain, why don't you go to your local INS office, REVOKE Your US citizenship, STOP accepting any FEDERAL US payments of anysort, cash in and give up all your US money, and move to a country more to your liking.. Originally Posted by garhkal

Bitch please. Not that I need to but I will encourage any and everyone that thinks like me to get theirs....you know game the fucking system. Cheat Welfare and Section 8 if they have to. This fucking country owes way more than that. Besides their are more cases of White welfare fraud than any other group. Jimbo is a classic example.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You're making up that 99%, chappedass. The exact meaning of "hirelings and slaves" isn't clear. If "hirelings" refers to white mercenaries, should they be insulted too? Bloody murder! Abolish the national anthem!

You're a laughingstock. What will you find to be offended by next? Originally Posted by lustylad

ohh it's very clear you Lazy Fuck. Don' try to cloud the issue to make yourself feel good. You retarded ass racists love to do that shit. But I won't let you get away with it on my watch. Now scram you fucking idiot.