What should we do about the Chinese balloon

Ripmany's Avatar
This is poll must be new thread.
winn dixie's Avatar
black cat bottle rocket take dat bitch out
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Do you remember that load of Jarts that was shipped to me?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
i voted "All of the above" ticket


the real question is why didn't the Air Force take it out over the Pacific? all those RADAR stations in Alaska and we don't see a fucking balloon coming? nonsense! Biden is trying to cover his commie sellout ass with the lame bs about a "possible" meeting with Blinken and Xi. so JoeyTard just lets China float their spy shit right across the nation.

so they do shoot it down, should never have been allowed near the US to begin with. the track shows we had several days to get it over the Pacific in international waters or better still near Alaska .. one of our STATES .. then even tardbouy commie lover Trudeau can't say shit. notice Trudeau who's name translates in Mandarin as "Kneel and BOB" bahhaa said nothing about it over Canada.

is or is not ALASKA a front line border with Mofo Russia or not? then we let Xi and China slow waltz a fucking balloon across the US before finally shooting it down. The Military claims they interfered with its transmissions in some way and otherwise they claim they disrupted it but it shoulda been stopped before it entered Alaska and it's on Biden this happened.

Thanks Brandon!!!

u asshole

winn dixie's Avatar
Do you remember that load of Jarts that was shipped to me? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Send up power bottle rockets.

One of the polls options!

Itchy fingers?

A daisy red rider coulda taken it out alls so
Precious_b's Avatar
Wacky, wacky, wacky...tsk tsk.

Guess you don't like facts getting in the way of things (AGAIN!)

Why didn't those gun lovers in Alaska bring it down. That lipstick on pigs lady should have seen it coming. And Montana full of gun loving repubs.

Nobody gonna thank the Commander in Chief for dispatching it since those that are of the party of no did nothing.

And the boys who do ISR had a wonderful opportunity to learn a few things.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Wacky, wacky, wacky...tsk tsk.

who is Wacky?

Guess you don't like facts getting in the way of things (AGAIN!)

if you say so

Why didn't those gun lovers in Alaska bring it down. That lipstick on pigs lady should have seen it coming. And Montana full of gun loving repubs.

if you say so

Nobody gonna thank the Commander in Chief for dispatching it since those that are of the party of no did nothing.

if you say so

And the boys who do ISR had a wonderful opportunity to learn a few things. Originally Posted by Precious_b

if you say so
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Well, the balloon has been shot down, so this poll is irrelevant now. Time for you guys to find something new to bitch about nothing.

I would have posted this in the other "balloon" thread but this one had less replies... I know the OP likes attention, and I felt charitable this early morning.
Ripmany's Avatar
I mess it it a
.577 caliber not .557, and there Max only 12 if these guns in the United States with very bullets available. However the muzzle rough speed of 2460 f per second. Base on my caulator is 90,000ft so should do it.
Precious_b's Avatar
I mess it it a
.577 caliber not .557, and there Max only 12 if these guns in the United States with very bullets available. However the muzzle rough speed of 2460 f per second. Base on my caulator is 90,000ft so should do it. Originally Posted by Ripmany
Love to see you figure for multiple cross winds.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
shot balloon rather then shot what carrying.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
this balloon thing is an embarrassing nothing burger.

U.S. has sent balloons & aircraft into russia and china.

to be fair, the balloons/aircraft were fair game if they were flying 12 miles under the international airspace.

12 miles is 63,000 feet.

we don't shoot down satellites as they fly over other countries airspace.

the 1950's U2 flights over russia was said to have been at 65,000 feet. y

was Russia wrong to shoot it down? I'd say yes as it were flying in international airspace.

please note different countries have rules on what constitute international air space.

most civilian flights fly at 20,000 - 30,000 feet; about 6 miles.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
oh speaking of the poll...

if its flying above 12 miles/63000 feet altitude, i'd leave it alone.
if its flying below 12 miles/63000 feet altitude, i'd shoot it down.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
shot balloon rather then shot what carrying. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

But first . . .

. . .

Precious_b's Avatar
oh speaking of the poll...

if its flying above 12 miles/63000 feet altitude, i'd leave it alone.
if its flying below 12 miles/63000 feet altitude, i'd shoot it down.

boop! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Didn't help Frances Gary Powers