FOX money from Mike Lindell Mr. Pillow

VitaMan's Avatar
The court filing is out.

"The man is on every night. Pays us a lot of money. At first you think it's comic, and then you get bored."

Lindell made unsubstantiated claims about voter fraud on FOX news programs.

Have at it, rabid right wing FOX supporters. Maybe it was a....conspiracy ?
Precious_b's Avatar
It has been admitted by the foxy crew that they are more concerned with $$$$ paid via nielson ratings than content they put out.

You got to pay the bills but when it is at the expense of any integrity that might remain.....
Integrity has not been something Fox cared about in a long time. They gave up on reporting over a decade ago. There was a time where you could get a “both sides” of the news with a conservative bent to it from Fox but that ended almost exactly when Obama was elected. From that day forward they essentially went hard right and then just republican propaganda.

The funniest shit ever though is there’re some idiots in this forum that actually believed Fox was a news channel. And even more idiotic claimed people like Tucker, Watters and Hannity were “reporting”. How dumb can people be to have not seen the writing on the wall.
Sorry, but if I want comic relief, I watch Morning Joe.
Precious_b's Avatar
Integrity has not been something Fox cared about in a long time. They gave up on reporting over a decade ago. There was a time where you could get a “both sides” of the news with a conservative bent to it from Fox but that ended almost exactly when Obama was elected. From that day forward they essentially went hard right and then just republican propaganda.

The funniest shit ever though is there’re some idiots in this forum that actually believed Fox was a news channel. And even more idiotic claimed people like Tucker, Watters and Hannity were “reporting”. How dumb can people be to have not seen the writing on the wall. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Come on, Blacky! You got to give the the benefit of the doubt.
Else you could be biased and closed minded.
I’ve watched enough Fox over the years (still check in from time to time) to know exactly what they are and what they are about. They have mastered the art of keeping their ignorant at a nice status quo.
We all must remember that we are living in “Bizzarro World”, where everything is opposite.

When our friends on the Left shout, “Fox is fake news”, you can bet that the opposite is true.
VitaMan's Avatar
FOX itself said they put out fake news.

The only bizarros are the radical right wingers that keep believing it

When our friends on the Left shout, “Fox is fake news”, you can bet that the opposite is true. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Fox’s owner and president was pretty clear that fake news was the only news they wanted to peddle at the right price.

He and the people that work for him were truthful to one another that the news they were peddling was all fake and they didn’t believe it.

I mean come on, they were allowing a person whose source was a time traveler to go on their shows and push asinine and ridiculous conspiracies. That should tell you all you need to know. If you were believing Sid Powell on this, the source was a time traveler to the future that was headless.

I suspect if Fox hosts put that out there at the time even Fox viewers as dumb as they might be, they would have eventually figured it out.
Precious_b's Avatar
Fox’s owner and president was pretty clear that fake news was the only news they wanted to peddle at the right price.

He and the people that work for him were truthful to one another that the news they were peddling was all fake and they didn’t believe it.

I mean come on, they were allowing a person whose source was a time traveler to go on their shows and push asinine and ridiculous conspiracies. That should tell you all you need to know. If you were believing Sid Powell on this, the source was a time traveler to the future that was headless.

I suspect if Fox hosts put that out there at the time even Fox viewers as dumb as they might be, they would have eventually figured it out. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Your first two paragraphs are so true.

And the koolaide they put out....their masses lapped up.
Seems the Jim Jones moment is soon to come.