Thanks for the support!

Hi Everyone,

First of all, an introduction, I'm Alex Lieberman, a provider in Atlanta. Hi!

I recently started writing a blog, I don't know if links are allowed here, (mods don't ban me please!!) its If links are a no-no just google "alex lieberman escort" and you'll find me. I'm not making any money from the blog, just looking to release some tension and hopefully entertain a bit!

But I notice that a lot of my visitors are coming from this web site! And frankly I've never been here before now. I don't advertise my blog but it seems I'm making new friends here every day. And for that I want to say..


I love the comments I get from the members here and I hope I'm bringing a little smile to you when you read my stories!!

Anyway I just wanted to say "hey" and thanks!!!

kisses, Alex
bluffcityguy's Avatar
First of all, an introduction, I'm Alex Lieberman, a provider in Atlanta. Hi!

I recently started writing a blog, I don't know if links are allowed here, (mods don't ban me please!!) its If links are a no-no just google "alex lieberman escort" and you'll find me. I'm not making any money from the blog, just looking to release some tension and hopefully entertain a bit!

But I notice that a lot of my visitors are coming from this web site! And frankly I've never been here before now. I don't advertise my blog but it seems I'm making new friends here every day. And for that I want to say..


I love the comments I get from the members here and I hope I'm bringing a little smile to you when you read my stories!!

Anyway I just wanted to say "hey" and thanks!!!

kisses, Alex Originally Posted by Alex Lieberman
Dunno why a discreet link to your blog would be verboten here. Hell, stick one in your signature block and have at it!

If a number of visitors are coming to your site from here, then obviously someone's linked to a blog post or three of yours from here. After all, people just aren't teleported at random from here (or anywhere else on the 'net, for that matter).

Welcome. I'll have to take a look at it soon.


Don't be a stranger around here, either.
John Bull's Avatar
Blog link doesn't work anyhow. But, unless it links to a competitive site, it's ok. No different than a link to a advertisement webpage.
Thanks for the warm welcome!!!

Oh, I think I entered the link wrong... this is it...

Is there anyway to edit posts? I don't seem to see that option... hmmm....

Thanks again!!!!


Come read about my adventures!
pmdelites's Avatar
i believe that you after your initial post, you can edit it w/in the fist 60 mins. there's an action button below the post, just before "quote", "multi quote", and "quick reply".

after that, i believe that you can request a mod to edit it for you.

btw, nice avatar photo. aint it a pain in the ankle when you step on sticky gum !!!
i believe that you after your initial post, you can edit it w/in the fist 60 mins. there's an action button below the post, just before "quote", "multi quote", and "quick reply".

after that, i believe that you can request a mod to edit it for you.

btw, nice avatar photo. aint it a pain in the ankle when you step on sticky gum !!! Originally Posted by pmdelites

Thanks for the advice! I just PM'd Chipper.

And that gum.. lol.. story of my life!!!

kisses, Alex
bluffcityguy's Avatar
i believe that you after your initial post, you can edit it w/in the fist 60 mins. there's an action button below the post, just before "quote", "multi quote", and "quick reply". Originally Posted by pmdelites
I've actually tried to time it (because my life is such a rich, full, fuckin' waster... ) and the edit window is something over 60 mins. I know for a fact that I've edited one of my posts something like 70 or 75 mins after I posted it.

I don't think it's as long as 90 mins. I'd use 60 as a general rule, but it is a little longer than that.


John Bull's Avatar
Alex, I fixed the link in your first post.
Love the blog!

Hold the truth dear, it can never hurt you.
Great blog, good read. I'll be checking back for more.
UGH!!!! Can't seem to get it right!!! My signature wasn't working but it is now!!!!!

Thanks for the help John Bull, any chance of fixing my sigs? LOL

And thanks Essence and Smokey Joe for the support! I'm so excited about this blog! I got over 1400 hits on it last night!!!!

kisses, Alex