Brandy's Bedroom: Issue One!

The hobby e-zine if anyone is interested.

Send any comments or suggestions/ideas my way. Next issue on the 15th!

Good job Brandy. It was intresting .
John Bull's Avatar
Very nicely done.
Very Good Brandy, well done.
DallasRain's Avatar
Thx babe!!!

Great job, Brandy!

Would you mind if I to linked your forum? I think your e-zine is a great resource!

Thanks so much! Always scary starting something new. I hope to make this a good resource for everybody, hobbyists and providers alike. It may tend to lean more towards the provider sometimes cuz well... vested interest and all that LOL.. but the content will always be suitable for both readers.

And PLEASE, if anyone would like to suggest a topic, write an article, advertise, whatever, just let me know! Due date for adding anything is the 10th of the month for inclusion in the 15th of the month issue or 25th of the month for inclusion in the 1st of the month issue.

Thanks again for your support and yes please Bella! If you have a non-animated banner I'll be happy to include it next time too!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 07-02-2010, 03:25 PM
Well done!
This looks like it will be a winner, I should have joined up sooner, have nothing to say but positive things and I bow to the time and effort you invested. thanks chelsea
juan2fork's Avatar
Good work!
Very nice work.
SxxyZoi's Avatar
I really enjoyed it.. Thanks Brandy!!
Fantastic. I liked your interview -- it's always interesting reading about how others got into this business. And the last section about how to conduct yourself if you find yourself talking to the police is vital reading.
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
I enjoyed too,very informative and interesting! Kudos to you for starting something new,its great!
Wings's Avatar
  • Wings
  • 07-04-2010, 03:04 PM
Very good. I liked it - very informative!