Shooting range

Got a new AR-15 and would like to know where is a good shooting range to go to and what ladies like to go shooting.
sully1234's Avatar
Bullethole off of Grosenbacher Rd out 90W past 1604. I've seen Nardis off of I-10 and WW White area. Its indoors but I haven't been there.
I guess I've been on this site too long. From the title of your thread I thought you were starting a discussion on who can shoot their jizz the furthest.
Indoor ranges usually require half grained ammo for rifles, so you'll probably want the outdoor, otherwise it's like shooting hoops on a 8 ft basket, fucks up your shot.

And this is a sandbox thread.
Although a cool question. Unless you are posting that you want to take a Provider shooting with you this goes in the Sandbox.
A Place To Shoot, Nardis, and Bulletholes. Just depends on where you live. I go to the Bulletholes with my fellow mongers because it's closure. We usually get a private range and bring our arsenals and you're allowed to rapid fire.
Rakhir's Avatar
Lone Star is awesome! Best place to go for AR and Large Caliber Rifles. The guy that owns it is disabled military and one of the nicest people around. He also has AK's you can rent and last time I was there a SAW.

If you are looking for quick and cheap try going to the Bracken Gun Range. They charge you $8 per gun and you can hang all day if you are inclined to do so. I like to hit the pistol range there about once a week to keep skills up.
Joe Buck's Avatar
Bexar Community Shooting Range is the best I have found, Rifle targets from 25 to 200 yards.
sully1234's Avatar
BCSR is another good one. I've shot lots of skeet and trap there. Bexar Bowling Ln is where its at
Guest010619's Avatar
I took a former provider to Nardis. We used a converted AR15 to shoot .22lr. Later changed out to full sized .223 and 30rd mag.
snoogins70's Avatar
I guess I've been on this site too long. From the title of your thread I thought you were starting a discussion on who can shoot their jizz the furthest. Originally Posted by PDid
Thats where my dirty mind went too!!
I used to blast a good 4 to 5 feet back in the day! My wife used to get pissed cause I would pull out after a good doggystyle pounding and blast it all over her hair, a few times it would hit the headboard!
Ahhh, good times!
Rakhir's Avatar
Just a thought because of this thread. Anyone want to set an afternoon aside and hit a range?
Doglegg's Avatar
Just a thought because of this thread. Anyone want to set an afternoon aside and hit a range? Originally Posted by Rakhir
I haven't shot rifle in a while, but I do like pistol shooting.

I normally use the Bracken Range.

An afternoon of plinking followed by a cigar and drinks might be fun.
Thanks for all the suggestions
htownsa's Avatar
I made the drive cross town for Nardis a handful of times. They have decent elbow room for an indoor range and is very clean. Only knock i have for them is they were pushy for a membership the first time there. Stuck to my guns, and didnt take take the upsell. Been fine since.

Wish there were more places NW rather than NE & SE