If you like thick women

old fart's Avatar
Phone or Pager: 501-952-8337
Email Address:URL / Website:alishadonovan.professionalesco rt.com
City: TunicaState: Ms.Area / Address:Notel close to casinos
Appointment Type: Incall
Provider Category: Independent
Activities: Massage roleplay digits bls cbj russian ff
Session Length Scheduled: 90 minutes Fee:$$ Total Paid:$$60 Was Tipping or Upselling an issue? No
Was the Description you were given accurate? Yes
Hair Color and Length: Long shoulder length black Age:25
Race: AA Perfume/Fragrance: Fresh and all Natural
Smoking Status: Could Not Tell Either Way
Where did you hear about this provider? BP
Providers Body:Short, maybe 5'5, thick girl not full fledged BBW but close. Had nice breasts 40d, maybe dd's, face was an 8 out of 10, beautiful smile.
What was the Provider's Attitude like? Wonderful, very accomodating.
Comments: Would you recommend this Provider to others? Yes

This is my first review. Be kind.
vicinms's Avatar
Looks like you hit the wrong button when you started the review. Check your PMs.