$200 hour

Ok here goes. What do you expect (guys) and what do you expect to provide (girls) for the $200/hr price point?

My opinion, don't judge me by my lack of reviews and posts, I have been in the hobby for several years. No pro monger but somewhat experienced.

For $200 hr I expect: attractive girl, I know that's relative but I expect a girl is be seen in public with.

Clean, freshly showered and for fuck sake no smelly pussy. You know when you have something going on down there, a 200/hr girl should be fresh.

Gfe, kissing, bbbj, friendly, NO rush.

No junkies, drama or any bullshit. Be on time, be ready.

If you more respectable girls would present yourselves better maybe you'd get some regulars you actually like to see. Notice when a new, clean, fit, fun girl shows up she's bombarded with clients.

That being said guys, if your spending $200 and expect a good experience, take a fucking shower, brush your teeth, try some deodorant. Be on time. Be respectful. I know a lot of guys on here are respectful, clean generous and just good guys. Were the group of clients you "upscale" ladies should covet.

Just my humble opinion. Feel free to set me straight.
August Black's Avatar
I don’t really disagree with anything you said but I think the hygiene part for the males and females should be mandatory no matter how much you’re forking over or how long you’re staying.
pikelbouldershoulder's Avatar
For that I'd also expect multiple pops. Not all of us can manage two in an hour (don't get old!!), but she should at least let you attempt the second one, unless your first takes 57 minutes. I'd also expect a full hour, even if the last 10 minutes is just watching her brush her teeth.
No rush, no rush, no rush.

I don't require kissing or DATY but it would be nice if it were available. FIV is something I think should be offered. 2 pops would be essential. Hygiene for both is a given.
Doesn’t matter if it’s 100/hour or 600/hour should always expect to be physically clean, freshly showered and all GFE activities. Not even worthy of a discussion really
Gray I hear ya but everything is relative. I'd rather watch a movie with a 10 than have pse sex with a 3. I almost never see girls that are under 200. And then only if really intrigued or I know her. Im only interested in a type of experience I described above. If I try a new girl and she doesn't deliver, never again.

I have NO interest in sloppy, smelly, rude or junkie girls. Unfortunately about 50% of the girls I've seen, mostly in the 200 range have failed to meet the above requirements.

I would not ever consider seeing a 120/hr girl. Nope. I'd rather watch open and beat off. No judgement just my thing.

Note, In approx 4 years in the hobby and meeting maybe 50 women, I can count by memory 8 that fully met my expectations. Two of which I am friends with to this day. When I find one such woman, I prefer to become a regular, not just look for something different.

I've currently found one that's amazing and she's the only one I see. Comfortable, safe, smoking hot, friendly, treats me like I'm her boyfriend she hasn't seen in a month. Always impeccable hygiene. And best of all we connect. Perfect! For however long it lasts.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmmmmm then as I, stop looking for new ta you pussy growing older with what ya got going