AMP Review Thoughts . . .

Gentlemen, when it comes to individual providers that each of you review, keep in mind that those providers are using aliases and that even after your review none of us know their real name or location. In fact, all we really know at the end of an individual review is that the provider exists and is not law enforcement and the rest of the due diligence is on us. That system works for individual providers and those seeking companionship and in fact ECCIE reserves the right to expel members who violate the privacy of those providers.

Based on the facts above, what do any of us have to gain by revealing the exact location and business name of our AMP's where we've had a great experiences? In fact all we have is much to lose. In short our favorite places go away one by one as they become targets of Law Enforcement officers. What I propose is that we treat the AMP's with the same level of privacy that we treat the providers. Write reviews which do a great service to your fellow members by clarifying that a place you found is clean, safe, and best of all very rewarding, but without naming the business and the address and making it a target. Maybe the moderator can issue some guidelines on the best way to do this, but if we don't do something you can bet your favorite place, when you find it, will be gone soon.
dj8rocks's Avatar
Falcon, I’ve had the same mindset for quite some time and have voiced my concerns on reviews of Amps. They have no way to screen out the undesirables and the unwanted attention of uncle Leo. In my opinion, there shouldn’t even be a review written on one, nor any specific discussions in the private areas. IMHO, all intel should be shared via pm with trusted members.
Totally agree... pm me for details if ur looking.
if i were LEO, I'd set up a AMP review site so that I could figure out what places to target
If I were LEO I might concentrate on real crimes and leave the rub and tug crowd alone.
BulldogCountry's Avatar
If I were LEO I might concentrate on real crimes and leave the rub and tug crowd alone. Originally Posted by FBrub21
Agreed. Making someone cum for a donation is HARDLY the worst thing you can do to someone. Comedian George Carlin said it best in one of his skits. lol
toushet! i'm making a point however.