About exercise and how it effects perfomances

Daen1304's Avatar
I got something I've been going over in my head the last couple of days. Whether or not it is a good idea to exercise before an appointment, or just sex in general. Exercise has become kind of a big thing in my life the last year or so. But the more I find out about the human body the more I get curious about how it reacts in certain situations. I'm a geek like that. I have learned several things over the last year. For example, exercise primes the muscles and actually makes them feel tighter and ready for more work. Also it will shrink a guys dick. Let that one sink in for a second... Okay, now that you thought about it, relax, it only lasts for about an hour. That little tid-bit is thanks to the fact that evolution decided dangle bits are bad when running for your life. I know some guys do a routine before dates to get that "priming" effect. And I know some guys that avoid it so they don't wear themselves out.

So, my question is this: Do you think a work out helps or hinders you if you plan on getting frisky later? Ladies and Gentlemen are both encouraged to answer.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
It totally helps me... I have started doing at least a 45min workout every morning and it totally gives me more energy and changes my whole day
I've always found that it helps. I also found that when I've taken supplements like tribulus and dhea, which boost test levels, my sex drive goes through the roof.
Having lost weight and having more defined muscle tone, I dont see how it can hurt. I find my stamina is way up and I am alot more flexible. I did do an intense workout right before a session once and for it was epic fail for junior lol. I think my body was still in the recouping phase. I think working out the day of a session is fine just give your body time to recoup.

JJ keep it up your recent pics reflects your body changes
blue3122's Avatar
I went on a really intense workout/nutritional regimen in Sept. 2011. After a few months, there was a noticeable difference in muscle tone, energy level, improved sleep and sex. I have the stamina that I did in my 20s. Except instead of blowing after 5 minutes, I can go for hours. GF has begged me to stop after a couple of hours on many occasions. She now wants to do a threesome to see if I can wear out two women at the same time. She also says I am getting bigger where it counts. This is probably due to loss of fatty tissue in the pelvic region. So my take on exercise and fitness is that I am getting more and getting better. However, on the sex right after a workout thing... If you can have sex within an hour of a workout, you need to do a more intense workout.
LucadeJure's Avatar
As a gent approaching 60, I find that doing my full routine a few hours before an appointment is detrimental to lil Luca's performance. However, working out in the morning for an evening appointment improves my overall endurance.

I tried just the cardio portion of my routine before an appointment and that helped increase lil Luca's stiffness as compared to not working out at all the day of a session.

Now, I need to find some tongue exercises to increase endurance and strength.
EROS725's Avatar
I like to work out before an appointment. I find that it relaxes me and invigorates me at the same time. It also makes me look more studly for about 45 minutes and then the effects wear off. I find myself driving to the appointment at 90 mph and then rushing into her apartment and ripping my clothes off before the my body returns to its natural form. Unfortunately, this can cause some confusion on their part and sometimes leads to my being asked to leave
I have also noticed the shrinking member effect, but since blood flows to whatever part of your body you are working out at the time, you can take care of that. I do not recommend that you do so at the same time you are working out the rest of your body, as it can result in grown women screaming, small children crying, and you being asked to leave.
Just my 2 cents worth.
I've always found that it helps. I also found that when I've taken supplements like tribulus and dhea, which boost test levels, my sex drive goes through the roof. Originally Posted by bbwhunter
I've tried numerous workout / supplement combinations these past few years as I continue to approach the big 6-0. For me, an intense workout (cardio plus free weights) in the morning / early afternoon works fine with that scheduled late afternoon-into early evening session.

BBWhunter mentioned the supplements he's been using and I found that cycling Tongkat Ali extract (300 mg) works like a charm for me. If your pulse / nerves can handle Yohimbe root later in the day, go for it (I can't....tears my gut up too much). So if your like me in that regard, pop your fave "vitamin" prior to your date and, sweetheart, you are a Sexual Tyranusaurus Rex the rest of the night
daty/o's Avatar
I run to the atm before every session; does that count?
I run to the atm before every session; does that count? Originally Posted by eccl3


I did the Insanity routine and then the P90X workout after...now I alternate between the two 5-6 days a week. DEFINITELY improved my stamina and since i lost 25 lbs., think my penis got a little bigger...but it did not shrink. I also take the Mega Men Performance and Vitality vitamins...great for heart, prostate and sexual health. Going to start the Asylum workout soon...

Some of the ladies here will give you one hell of a workout if you hang with 'em!
I work out 2 or three times a week, I have so much more energy as thanks to the program I am on.
Guest091314's Avatar
Working out has tremendously increased my sex drive. I do a hardcore 2 hour routine every morning and have run into a few of you...apparently its a popular place LOL!

Now I dont know why I didnt start sooner...
berkleigh's Avatar
Besides being in my early 3o's and beginning to peak, I have a new trainer, who happens to be a Fireman.
I am pretty sure I am getting an Fabulous Workout...in the GYM and after

Since losing the weight I have, working out for sure increases my sex drive!

Daen1304's Avatar
I think some didn't understand my question. I was asking if working out before hand hurts your performance. Not if working out at all is detrimental. But everyone gave me some interesting info. It's always fun to hear what other people do to keep in shape. Though, I think I might be the youngest guy on the forums after reading that.
GiveNReceive's Avatar
I have found that working out the same day hinders my stamina slightly. 5 days a week at moderate intensity and days off are to rest and recover. So I try not to on day I plan on seeing a provider.
Exercise and good nutrition obviously helps many things and my sex drive is one of them.