What happened to Huntsville?

This is the third time
Now I've come out here and been so slow. It's not like this anywhere else for me and this use to be where my larger sized clientele was. This might be my last trip 😞
How long are you going to e in town? Do you see couples?
ill PM you!
Part of it is a seasonal thing - there were the same types of complaints this time last year from various places too.

One factor may be the city & county schools have a fall break this week and next week (don't know which is which), so the family man's availability is limited.

This is also the time of year my time at work ramps up for the next month or two - not sure how many others are in the same boat - and getting away during the week is difficult. I tend to not schedule anything in advance if I don't know 100% I can make it, and work likes to get in the way during the week.

Now there might be all kinds of other reasons, but those are the ones that primarily keep me from getting out and getting into mischief lately.
I have heard your complaint from some touring ladies too. Several have backed out of HSV tours due to lack of pre-books and interest. I think Huntsville is becoming stiff, and not with a boner!! It just leaves more time and attention from the playful type fellas...
dicksonthunder's Avatar
Lots of Government Employees in Huntsville. Since that fiscal year ends on September 30th they are working on projects to spend all of their budget.
Unfortunately there is an attitude becoming more and more prevalent not just in Huntsville but everywhere that favors shorter visits about 15 or 30 minutes and also the preference among many who hobby these days is for Bargain Basement prices. For me personally it's a rationale that I don't understand I would much rather spend at least an hour with someone and really enjoy that longer more leisurely session.I Would also rather spend time with a well-reviewed provider you go into the session knowing that you're not buying a pig in a poke that you're going to get wonderful service from someone with a great attitude. Sadly among many who hobby these days it's all about the price and they are willing to gamble on a girl who may have recreational issues and a host of other problems just to get a cheap visit. It's like my dad always said you get what you pay for so for me I seriously don't understand it but that does seem to be the prevailing attitude among many people these days. MJ
I agree with MJ's comments on everybody wanting 15-30 min session and wanting to bargain shop. I think that's a cultural shift in the hobby.
It's all a persons preference.
I also agree that's the last method I wish to pursue. I'd rather have time(at least and hour) on my hands and spent more to share company with someone reputable.
My days of gambling on low end or BP endeavors are long past. Too many of those "cheap" excursions were major let downs BCD's and often had an undertone that messed with my mind and made me question WTF was I doing. Meaning location, looks, effort, etc of some sort was always missing.
It's worth it to know what type experience your in for. You can always go make more money tomorrow.
Well said Paddy Daddy. When you know exactly what you're getting it makes it better for the mind, body, and soul. Lol. It's always a pleasure to step out of the real world and into a relaxing and enjoyable experience. The reputable providers have your mind at ease going in and in awe upon departure. The hobby world can be what the hobbyists make it, treat the wonderful ladies well and we will reciprocate. Have fun everyone.
CocoBrown's Avatar
I can honestly say that it is not the season.. its HUNTSVILLE! I travel all over and have no problems. Don't be confused by people who don't travel much, business is awesome in other places! Government fiscal yr has absolutely nothing to do with it. I just left Maryland, Philadelphia and Washington DC, and was so booked, when I left people are still contacting me for hr+ visits! I came here on personal business, and thought it would be cool to post an ad while I'm here, and it has been a big disappointment. seems like the Huntsville market has been invaded by less than decent, cheap , fake picture posting providers. So bad, that when quality providers visit, no one even appreciates it. I always stay at an upscale location, am always on time and dressed in something elegantly erotic, to sit around and watch the news all day lolNeedless to say, I wont be coming here unless its for personal obligations. its a damn shame. To all the ladies having trouble touring this area: LEAVE AND GO TO WHERE IT IS WORTH TOURING... Up north is great right now!!! Suggestions: Raleigh, NC, Delaware, Richmond, VA, NOVA, DC, Maryland, PA NJ.... it wont let you down money back guaranteed!
CocoBrown's Avatar
I agree with MJ's comments on everybody wanting 15-30 min session and wanting to bargain shop. I think that's a cultural shift in the hobby.
It's all a persons preference.
I also agree that's the last method I wish to pursue. I'd rather have time(at least and hour) on my hands and spent more to share company with someone reputable.
My days of gambling on low end or BP endeavors are long past. Too many of those "cheap" excursions were major let downs BCD's and often had an undertone that messed with my mind and made me question WTF was I doing. Meaning location, looks, effort, etc of some sort was always missing.
It's worth it to know what type experience your in for. You can always go make more money tomorrow. Originally Posted by Paddy Daddy
Cultural shift? Please elaborate specifically paddy ....Only because when I think cultural I think racial diversity, were you making reference to that? just curious....
No... "Cultural shift", in I think there is a cheaper Hobbyist coming into the game that focuses on quick service and affordable apts. The hobbyist that's more focused on price than value. That's not my preference at all. My personal focus is on the experience.
I also think the game just like the business climate is changing. Facebook, SA, variety of other sites to advertise or frequent has changed things. Communication is very different now also. I'm considering dropping my established p411 account due to I'm not sure I need it in the hobby.
I think eccie ads are slow too.

That's a lot of opinions and observations from me, that are completely free. None of which are tied to race or diversity, more tied to the hobby climate in N. Alabama, and even Birmingham.
holmes50's Avatar
Spot on Paddy!
drsmooth1's Avatar
I'm one of those that have shifted to the shorter appointment on the majority of my encounters, the exception being with two providers I see regularly. Many reasons play a factor in this shift for me, the most dominant reason being I've had too many experiences where the money and the fun didn't match, and that's after pouring through a series of glowing reviews.
When I sign up for an hour I'm expecting an hour of fun, where the service provider focuses on providing me a fabulous experience, where I feel like a king! IMO too many local gents have lowered the standard for what a great visit is thereby lowering what's required from a provider to equate a great experience.

Because of that even when a provider comes highly recommended I'm cautious and will go with what I call an introductory visit with the option to upgrade.
CocoBrown's Avatar
Well I guess you get what you pay for and yea paddy youre right p411 is slowly or now should I say rapidly fading away, making it less of a useful verification tool. date check is another verification site that has been recently shut down. When I travel, it seems only AL, MS, LA and TX are privy to ECCIE. The west coast seems to have their own discussion boards even though the ECCIE presence is there, but most use the TNA board, Eros, Humaniplex and a couple of others you may or may not have heard of. The east coast also has a couple that aren't used down this way such as RS2K, thebestgfe.com etc. Lately ive been getting inquiries via social media sites like Instagram, Snapchat and the like. The game is changing as technology is rapidly changing. Its a task to keep up! But as for Huntsville, I'm with paddy: it has to be just the hobby climate of this area at the time... Well said Honey... I'm so thankful that I have a vast clientele base in lots of major cities, so when I run into a city that is slow I don't complain, I just leave and go to where I know it will work better for me. Too blessed to be stressed!