"Rates"... Up for discussion....

Just because I'd like to see some dang activity or chatter on the ever so boring... Alabama forum.
Fire back with your opinions on rates...and I'd love to hear input from all sides..

Personally... I love the one hour session that's $200-$300. For sone reason, I struggle with that anything over 3bills. And I really have found my hour sessions for less than $200 typically are missing something, and I've played in several of those, too. I've never pulled the trigger on much over $300 on a single session. I see some advertisements ranging $400 and heading North, but I just can't see the benefit to me.
I love the one hour $250 sweet spot!!! With the right lady...

Comments from all parties, are welcome. I'd love to hear from the fellas and ladies.
Totally agree, Paddy. I just had a "provider" give me a super high rate. I asked her if that was the best she could do and her response was, "you don't have to do it if you can't afford it." I quickly informed her that I've been in this hobby since she was in middle school and it wasn't a matter of affordability, it was a matter of smart business. I can play more and help someone more over the long term when the rate is reasonable. I have gotten to where I stick with my regulars and we take care of each other. I try to find something new occasionally, with mixed results.
Yeah the old Alabama forum is a slow compared to some of the others . As far as rates if she is a provider with good reviews $200-$250 for an hour is about right, but I also expect an hour not one and done good bye either. Sometimes with time constraints all I have time for is a hhr and in that case $120-150 according to the reviews work for me.
And I too have sampled many a 30 min apts ranging from $100-$150 based on my time availability and providers reputation.
Most often $100-$150... what often goes unnoticed is some of those are auditions. And quite often, those don't make the passing grade.
FLReWrite's Avatar
Good approach. I just offer what the lady asks but rarely find anything above 250 that has any distinction. For who I am, what I need, and what I can do $100 to $250 is my range. That allows me both the volume and the quality I enjoy. My sweet spot!
Good approach. I just offer what the lady asks but rarely find anything above 250 that has any distinction. For who I am, what I need, and what I can do $100 to $250 is my range. That allows me both the volume and the quality I enjoy. My sweet spot! Originally Posted by FLReWrite
Hey... FLR.... I'm curious, why do you not write reviews? Your a very active hobbyist by your posts. Personal preference?
FLReWrite's Avatar
Hey... FLR.... I'm curious, why do you not write reviews? Your a very active hobbyist by your posts. Personal preference? Originally Posted by Paddy Daddy
Yes, that's always been my policy, although I wrote one in the early ASPD days on the loveliest Spaniard the board has ever seen. I try to contribute in plenty of other ways and there isn't a question I won't (try to) answer via PM if I can help someone.

Plus, it's fun to watch the paranoid among us come up with their own reasons why I don't!
I prefer hour sessions as MSOG is an absolute must, and the rate for a decent experience is fair at $200; however, as we approach the $300 range in an increasingly competitive field, I expect spectacular results, and even then to continue to pay that rate as a regular isn’t plausible. Suffice it to say, the $250 for an hour rate is reserved for those with high expectations, and the regular visit to those who are at the present moment top 3 providers. Half hour rates between $120-$160 are fair because these are typically just Q.V. for me in all actuality. I wouldn’t expect to get MSOG with a 30 minute visit, and if she could make me, I’d be staying for an hour any damn ways lol. In conclusion, and so not to stray far from the topic, the one thing I’d like to see more of is a slightly lower rate for the loyal regulars, because honestly I think if you’re on this page then you probably share my interest in fucking every sexy woman alive so I find it hard to justify spending more on something I’ve already had, when I can experience something new. If I’ve seen you before it’s hard for me to come off more than $250 for an hour.
tx Easy Rider's Avatar
Although I'm not in Alabama, I am in a smaller Texas market and I also find the $100-$150 30 min or $175-$200 hr sessions to be agreeable to my needs. It doesn't kill my bank account but also allows me to see my atf's more frequently. There are a few great gals in my town that I would like to see more often, BUT they stay at $300 an hr. My question to the providers would be this: Would you rather I see you once every 2 or 3 mnths at $300 or 3 to 4 times a mnth at the lower rate. From my point of view it would benefit them more to lower the rate and get more of my business BUT I don't have any degrees in hooker math.
I'm in the minority, but I've turned out to be more of a budget hobbyist. I stay in the $160-$200/hr range, and seldom go above $180. I don't tip, which I'm up front about when asked.

While I've not ventured in the $250+ range I see in a lot of the reviews, I've experienced no better quality the 2 times I tried $250 advertisers VS $160 advertisers.

There's one provider here that's got great reviews, lists $225/hr although many reviews list "$200+tip". She was in town, and I guess running a $160 special for her first time in town. Maybe I had high hopes due to the other reviews, but "average" would best sum up my experience. I saw her 2 other times on subsequent trips which went exponentially downhill to where she offered a $100 30 min "special" that I wanted no part of. Maybe providers adjust their services/enthusiasm/attitude based on the rate they're charging?

I'm also picky about getting grandfathered in if a provider changes her rates.

Seems I'm just a cheapskate now that I go back and ready what I've written!
I never do anything less than an hour session. And the money that I'm willing to pay for that session is dictated by the services that are offered. Sometimes if a girl is attractive enough I will forgo BBBJ and CIM. But other things absolutely must be there DFK DATY FIV. If the girl's attractive enough my top price for that type session is 200. If BBBJ and CIM is included then I will go as high as 300 for the hour. I will say that I have went as high as 500 for an hour with a couple of girls I felt like one of them was worth the money and the other one really wasn't. So I tend to keep my high-end at 300 I've found that you can find a top-notch provider that will give you everything you want at that price. I see some pretty ridiculous rates when looking at provider ads, 200 or $300 for a half hour service I simply laugh every time I see it as the GPS warning siren goes off in my head. I am that guy that I want exactly what I want and I have a price in mind and if I can't get it at that price I simply don't book the session. I also have a thing about being grandfathered and if I have seen a girl for a number of years and she raises her rates and raises mine along with it then I simply don't see her anymore I figure loyalty and support over time should be worth something. There is always the thing of supply and demand and if we as hobbyists don't pay exorbitant ridiculous rates then prices will stabilize at a more reasonable place . Most of us guys are not independently wealthy and actually work for a living and we have a limited amount of disposable income to play with. So to indulge some of these ridiculously high rates especially when the menu often is very limited is simply to encourage those rates to go higher and higher for less and less service. I simply don't do it. MJ
holmes50's Avatar
Have been at this for almost 20 yrs. now. Anymore I will not spend more than 300 a hour and for the most part is a rare exception other than the 2 I see regularly in New Orleans and several dancers I see when in Houston. Since I've been in Northern Alabama, there are none I would pay 300 and very few I would pay 250.

I've tried the 120 1/2 hour rate which included cbj, didn't like it. If I have seen you many times and you go up on your rate and I'm not grandfathered in, you've seen the last dollar from me.

DFK, bbbj, msog is a must. I'm not necessarily one of those who is always looking for quantity, truth be told I prefer to see a select few however my experience has been after 5 or so times the provider becomes very complacent and the service level goes way down.

Tend to agree with Paddy the 250 range is the sweet spot with the right lady.......up here in NorAL its few and far between. There has been some weekends as of late I've almost flown to Nola or Houston just to get my quality provider fix.

And what's with no alcohol or wine in a strip club up here?
Come too mobile
Baby... I'd love to hear your opinion on rates. You may be in contention for the absolute best provider in the state. And I think your absolutely amazing, but the rate cut of $400 has always kept me from getting to be a regular.
But... at $300 your a gift from the Gods!!
dj8rocks's Avatar
Glad to see a very well reviewed provider weigh in. Kudos baby. My thoughts on this enigma... I have seen 6 ladies that were between 350 and 500 per hour, 2 of which are located in San Antonio TX. Would only repeat with one of those. 3 here in AL, one of which I repeat every chance I am in Bham. 1 is a visitor from FL, at 500, see her each time I can when she comes thru. So, 3 out of 6 I will repeat with, the reason why is their approach to making sure I leave a happy customer. Each of those 3, booked an hour outcall, each stayed a minimum of 2 hours, one has stayed between 3-4 hours EACH time I see her. I can't pop twice in an hour, two hours I can. Each of these 3 know me and know I'm not a bullshiter or a tire kicker, if I book, I will show and I will at all times treat them with a personable respect. The under 300 ladies, I don't expect this level of service, so I choose wisely when seeing them. Have yet to have a disappointing appointment with 300 and less, strictly due to research and finding compatibility, instead of window shopping and pulling the trigger too quickly based on age, looks or body shape. Spend your hard earned money wisely, only achieved with proper research. Present yourself as a reliable client, with respect to her as a person. More often than not, if you give her the freedom to work your mind and body with her knowledge and experience, it should be a good time had by all. If you go in with a must do list, it opens the door for disappointment. Just my thoughts and experience. Good luck. dj8