Well that was different...

TiredofTinder's Avatar
So I saw this girl yesterday afternoon. About 5'6", spinner build. Nice ink and sexy nose piercing. One of the hottest girls I've ever laid eyes on. No FS, no BJ, no HJ even... but she did handle the package for a good hour. She was a bit rough though. I liked it. And it only cost me $115 tip and all.

And when she was all done I had my first ever brazilian. XD

In all seriousness, I love the feeling of being slick but I despise everything that goes along with shaving so I figured fuck it. What the hell... Ass, back, and the ENTIRE undercarriage for a bill plus tip and was pleasantly surprised with such a ridiculous hottie that was really good at keeping the awkwardness to a minimum even though she had my cock in her hand for the better part of an hour. I had a boner a quarter second after she started and she never skipped a beat talking about sci-fi. She just used one hand to hold it down and the other to inflict the pain. LOL She was also cool as shit. Into ink and sci-fi, as I said, so we were able to talk about stuff the entire time to keep it confortable.

I will say that the moment I had to pull my knees to my chest and my entire crack, ass, balls, and chode was completely on display, the awkwardness did elevate a bit but then I told her that she could have bought me drinks first and we were back to comfortable talking. haha I'm not gonna lie, I like some light butt stuff, so when she was waxing my ass crack, my cock jumped every time the brown eye got brushed. lol

So far I cant stop feeling how smooth my ass and balls are. XD I'm seeing my fav girl tonight too so I'm looking forward to her amazing mouth giving it all extra attention this week.

Any of you dudes try waxing instead of shaving? What about specifically a brazilian? How do you like it and why?

How do you ladies feel about it? I REALLY like a good rim job. Are you more likely to give a better RJ if the John has a bald balloon knot or maybe give more and better attention to the boys when they arent furry?

Let us discuss this very important and engaging topic!
I'm right there with you. Where did you get it done at? I just went thru the tedious process of shaving.
Wax on, Wax off Good topic! You had me dying over here with the "bald balloon knot" reference. As for me personally, I prefer to be shaved with some stubble because if if I go slick I will break out down there. I have had a brazilian (years ago) and still broke out a day later. I am not really into a good rim job, but don't mind a beautiful ladies tongue wandering to the region for a few seconds. Just my preference. Hopefully some of the ladies respond because I would also love to hear there personal preferences!
I have had the back waxed but never anything below the waist. I did it a couple of times but gave it up. It made the skin of my back feel weird and kind of sweaty for a few days. Now, I just trim and shave the balls, etc.

I will be interested to see how it feels once the stubble starts to come in. That has got to be irritating between the ass cheeks.
TiredofTinder's Avatar
Oh I totally forgot that part. haha It was at Brazilian Wax by Marci and the girl was named Allison. I'm guessing she probably does all their dudes just because when I ask if a lot of guys get these she said I was her 5th or 6th of the day.... so yeah, apparently so. XD

I can see why they use her for us guys though. She's not only gorgeous but she's just sexy. There is a difference and she oozes sex appeal. The ink, the piercing, the nerdom... I assure you that her job placement is NOT a coincidence. If only she wasnt so professional. haha If it had been really painful and I was debating if it was worth it and whether or not to go back, she would go a LONG way in deciding to keep at it.

Being in this hobby just makes experiences like that different. Like, before this I never even took my boxers off for a legit therapeutic massage, and I've known my massage therapist since before she was a massage therapist. lol I've been to see her once since I started and didnt even think about the fact that I had shed the undies until she was working and scooted the towel up to work on my ass and there was my twig and berries just laying out on the table down there and said "oh wow... alright, guess ill just use this sheet here. Was not expecting that, dude." XD "My bad. Guess I should have warned you this time." hahaha I just don't think anything about it anymore. lol
TiredofTinder's Avatar
I will be interested to see how it feels once the stubble starts to come in. That has got to be irritating between the ass cheeks. Originally Posted by Blue Heel

The heavier hairy areas are broke out today. that entire area ABOVE the pecker looks rough as hell actually but it seems to be getting better as the day progresses. Allison said that the first few times I get it done that that will happen but it only lasts a couple days and after a few months it will stop happening pretty much altogether. As far as discomfort, the broken out areas are SLIGHTLY irritated. Like it wouldnt even register as a 1 if you looked at in terms of like the pain scale.
Dj1981's Avatar
Its crossed my mind before, i keep a good short trim around the "twig & berries" and shave them clean. Ive shaved everything a couple times but with sitting an a vehicle for hours driving around the country, and sometimes strapping a tool belt on in the middle of summer seems to cause some irritation that is really uncomfortable.
TiredofTinder's Avatar
Yeah. That’s the only thing I’m worried about honestly but hopefully that won’t be too bad. I’ve finagled my way into the kush life at work so I sit on my ass most the day and even wear whatever I want. Usually basketball shorts. Lol I did not however finagle a raise out of it. So much for more hobby money xD
GingerSTjames's Avatar
Your descriptions are priceless! I have been waxed a few times and the knees to the chest move is definitely uncomfortable!

I LOVE TO GIVE HEAD! If the area is clean and smooth! I am adventurous and will explore your favorite things according to how you react. Love to suck the ball sac too, then lift those bad boys and give lots of tongue action behind the dangling dudes!

If the area is really hairy, or god forbid...DIRTY! Ya, NO!

I love to see the manscape on a client! Completely worth it, in my opinion!!!
I can't help but chuckle everytime I hear some of my friends talk about this or see it discussed in print. I know everybody likes different things and I suppose for those who like to be waxed or shaved then it's all well and good. My feeling is that we are men and by definition one of the things that marks us as such is the fact that we are essentially hairy beasts. Women do not for the most part have to deal with copious amounts of body hair because they are by definition women neither do boys or very young men. So for me it's not something that I worry about I am always a very clean and well-groomed person but genetically I am what I am and I don't sweat that fact very much. In fact for me I can't see what the big deal is with women totally shaving or completely removing by a wax all their pubic hair. A person's pubic hair actually serves a useful function which is to give a person a layer of protection against venereal disease if you think that isn't true then Google that and you will find that information readily available. Having said all that and at the risk of rambling on I would say this I can't imagine the level of discomfort that comes from either shaving one's body totally or waxing ones back chest and pubic regions. When that hair starts to grow back after it's going to be prickly itchy it's going to break out and to me it's just an awful and unacceptable situation. I used to work with a guy who was a real gym rat and his chest and back were constantly broke out where he would have his wife shave his chest and back, for me vanity is not worth discomfort and that's pretty much all I can say about it. MJ
TiredofTinder's Avatar
So an update... The above the pecker area I mentioned before stayed broke out and has BEEN broke out the whole time... HOWEVER, everything else has been amazing. I am totally getting it done again in a week or so but I am fighting with myself about that particular area of trouble. I thought maybe let it stay and just trimming it and then letting her wax everything from there back, which is the most important part anyway. Whens the last time a chick licked above your dick? I dont think its ever happened actually. lol

Mammie, part of pubic hair's job is VD but the MAJORITY of its job is to keep out unwanted debris back when cavemen didn't wear Levi's. And it's not a very good protector against VD either. Heard of crabs? xD

Everyone has a preference. I like slick. Thank you GingerSTJames for your input and I will make sure to hit you up next time I'm in Hotlanta.
TiredofTinder's Avatar
Oh, and while I get it aint how nature intended us to be, if it would get a tongue on my brown eye, I'd bleach the motherfucker. I'm spending money to see these girls and if doing something like this gets me more mileage for my money then you can bet your ass I'm gonna do it. xD Plus, they groom and everything for us. I'm good with returning the favor because I don't particularly like going down on a furry kitty and DATY is my favorite part of the session.