
Over the past few months, the posting & reviewing activity in NE has seen a dramatic increase. During that time I think that the tone here has changed. Our moderator noted in another thread that civility has suffered.

Two words came up in multiple postings in the last couple of weeks, whore and hooker. I'm worried about the use of those words because we tend to use them in a degrading context. The spirit of the NE forum has never been to degrade, but rather the share honest info.

Part of me says "they're just words, who cares?". Perhaps I'm splitting hairs suggesting we should be careful not to degrade the very same women that we objectify in almost every review ie. I did it like this, I did it like that . . . .

Years ago on an ASPD board in another part of the country, a "gentleman" referred to the forum as a "whore board". He was soundly criticized, disciplined by the moderator, and then stormed off to sulk. That didn't turn out well for anyone because we lost a good contributor I'm the process.

Well, enough yammering on by me, what do the rest of you think about the words we use, civility, consequences, etc?
grumpysmurf's Avatar
I think ya'll suffer from small-city syndrome. Words like bitch whore hooker slut- doesnt matter they are just words- you guys have no problem dipping your wick for money- I know I sure dont- and after breaking the law ya'll want to split hairs about language and be surprised when someone just lays it out there. A chickenhead is a chickenhead is a chickenhead and without some of these chickenheads some of you all wouldn't ever get laid. There's nothing civil about me pillaging every piece of cooze I can for 200 bucks or less and if I want to call it like I see it here I cant believe you so called 'gentlemen' that do likewise and pay for sex get your precious feathers in a ruffle. Lets not mince words- thats what this is all about. If we werent paying for sex none of us would be here. Sugar coat it all you want but it is what it is. If being confronted by reality ruins the fantasy for you then get a diiferent fantasy. The language we use dont change the fact of what it is.
That's pretty much what I thought you'd say Grumpy. You and I disagree about the importance of language. Some people who read your post will laugh, some will be offended, others will have a variety of responses. I bet there are other opinions out there as well, that's what I'm interested in - the range of perception.

I doubt I'm suffering from a city-size affect. I'm not from here.
kendra kayy's Avatar
Driver, you are a polite man, this I know personally. Others lack that characteristic. I used to get offended by the name calling and degrading comments but now I look at it as someone without any common decency.... and then I laugh at them.

The fact remains is this, the same guys that degrade us providers are the same guys spending lots of money hobbying and visiting with us ladies. You are right when you say the conversations have gotten more disrespectful around here. I previously thought we had a good group here now I really only give that to a handful of you guys. I think its absolutely ridiculous that one minute these men are laying down money so they can get some attention from a beautiful and experienced provider then the next they are nit picking every last thing about that provider....but when it comes down to that man's personal flaws.... And yes most of you men do have them we as providers are to keep that to ourselves and forge on.

I may be saying more than what you asked for so I apologize for rambling. Bottom line is this... All the disrespect may go unspoken of but I promise Driver its not forgotten. One thing for guys to remember.... We as women / providers have the final say so. We decide who we see and who we don't. Just cause you have money doesn't guarantee your foot in the door!! We should be here to keep each other safe and to have fun not to be disrespectful.

And grumpysmurf.... I really have to ask... Who the hell are you and why are you such an a$$hole?? You are new around here and have been talking a bunch of crap from the get go. A lot of us are not even from Nebraska so your city size assumptions are invalid. You may not be here to make friends but why try and make enemies?? Btw if you don't like us... Don't join our forum. We could really do without the bs you've been typing.
TwistedMister's Avatar
Hey, all. Long time listener, first time caller.

Let me just say I agree whole-heartedly with both Driver1 and Kendra Kayy, and couldn't disagree with grumpysmurf more (thanks for ruining my childhood memories of Smurfs more than the new movie has, GS). Though I haven't contributed much (or any, really) in the past I've enjoyed the mostly good-natured banter that goes on, and found it very educational as I was a very uneducated quasi-hobbyist until I found this site. I do hope we can keep the forums positive, helpful, educational, etc. on the whole, and I just might contribute more in the future.

TwistedMister out.
grumpysmurf's Avatar
Ah Kendraaaah I must really not mean anything to you. Who am I- I may have not have contacted you in a couple months since our last dinner date but I did pay your rent once upon a time. With all the loot I dropped on your silly ho ass you had better believe you need to be where I want when I want it and answer your dam phone. Chickenhead.

Not only does your last post not add anything to this discussion, it's the sort of communication that doesn't belong here. Comments directed at an individual should probably be sent through PM.
grumpysmurf's Avatar
Kinda like her calling me a asshole and her whole last paragraph- yeah ok driver- you bucking for moderator now I see. Lets just let that she pretty much outlines private lounge info in her post slide while were at it.
Kendra wasn't calling you an asshole, she was merely inquiring WHY you're such an asshole. We're probably all curious about that.

And now, by responding to you, I've allowed you to hijack this thread.

I thought this might be an interesting conversation and lead to better communication. But if Grumpy won't let us chat without trying to derail the thread then fuck it.
I would second any call for civility on the board, no matter what the reason.

I have spent a good deal of time in the past reviewing the KC section of this board, for the obvious closeness factor. I used to just laugh at how thin skinned so many were and how things were always taken in the worst possible light. And I was also always glad things weren't constantly getting like that on this Nebraska board.

Uh, I do think words can and do matter.

When I look to hire a lady for her time I am looking for an extraordinary experience.
I'm not going to get that from a person that might be referred to in any of the derogatory terms used before. I want a professional. I can appreciate what she has to offer. I'm buying into the bit of fantasy that will make it an exhilerating and thrilling time. I can really only do that with someone that I have a mutual respect for and common courtesy with.

But I'm sure I'm not everyone's cup of tea, either!

Just what the hell does everyone think was going on upstairs there at Miss Kitty's Saloon on Gunsmoke? It's as American as Apple Pie!
kendra kayy's Avatar
Ah Kendraaaah I must really not mean anything to you. Who am I- I may have not have contacted you in a couple months since our last dinner date but I did pay your rent once upon a time. With all the loot I dropped on your silly ho ass you had better believe you need to be where I want when I want it and answer your dam phone. Chickenhead. Originally Posted by grumpysmurf

Oooohhhh grumpysmurf, you really don't mean anything to me!! Why would you?? I have no clue who you really are. I can tell you one thing, I have only been on a few public dates this year and 1 of those dates was with a member here and another who has nothing to do with this board. So, with that being said, either you are lying or you have multiple handles on this board.

You have not paid my rent for me.. if we have met previously you did pay my fee and it is likely I did pay a bill, but to be frank that is a main reason I'm in this biz. If you are bitter about all the loot you drop on us providers well then that is your issue. Stop buying ladies time!

As far as me being where you want when you want-- oh and I better answer my damn phone... good luck with that. I'm not quite sure who the hell you think you are talking to but I promise I'm not the chic to talk to like that. I'm way to grown and professional to stoop down to your level with the likes of threats and insults but I will tell ya this..You can take your insults and demands and shove them up your "chickenhead" chasing ass. Oh and Ps... my number is now private so yeah you won't be calling me anytime soon!! Toodles!!!
MP2: well said.

Kendra: Nice!
grumpysmurf's Avatar
I got only one handle on this board- prove otherwise- you cant. Keep poking you chickenheads long enuff and next I will have been the one to shot JFK. None of you have any idea who I am- I could be lying on top of you later tonite and cum down your throat taking you up on that 150 dollar hour you always offer everyone Kendraaaah - discount discount discount- always when you need the money. How could you forget our diner date- wasnt all that long ago.
kendra kayy's Avatar
Kinda like her calling me a asshole and her whole last paragraph- yeah ok driver- you bucking for moderator now I see. Lets just let that she pretty much outlines private lounge info in her post slide while were at it. Originally Posted by grumpysmurf

WTF are you talking about?? I don't have locker room access and nothing I said would even suggest that. Do me a favor and go crawl in a hole....
Did all of this come from my recent review? It was disappointing to see how that thread took a turn for the worse and now this.

I see there's a recent graduate of Dale Carnegie's course of "How To Win Friends and Influence People."

And some of y'all thought I was mean? I'm a pussycat.