Has anyone here actually read Ulysses?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'm speaking of the James Joyce book. I swear, every few years I'll pick it up and tell myself that this time, going to try to read this (supposedly) literary masterpiece.

Has anyone here managed to read the book and finish it? Just read an article, think it was on Medium, about why we should read Joyce and revel in it (eye roll) and so once again, the book is right here by my knee.

And I'm alone. Considering reading it. Sure would have enjoyed some company while doing so. Well, maybe another time, right?

Hope everyone is enjoying the evening. Any females who have read this book get extra brownie points from me!

Happy Monday,
... not the usual one

P.S. If I get some umph tonight after my attempt to read this book, I'll link the article that inspired me to try again!
CG2014's Avatar
I have.

Both the Odyssey of Ulysses and Iliad by Homer.

The Odyssey is the second-oldest extant work of Western literature, while the Iliad is the oldest, both considered the fundamental of modern Western Canon.

Iliad is the prequel and Odyssey is the sequel.

Both are considered the 2 oldest books ever written and even the first 2 books ever written.

I've read each one once in each of 3 different version:

once in Latin,

once in Italian,

once in English.

Now when I say Ulysses, I mean Odysseus:

the main character in both the Odyssey and the Iliad.

Ulysses is the Latin translation of the Greek name Odysseus.

If you mean Ulysses, the modernist novel by Irish writer James Joyce,

no I haven't read that one.

But everyone should read the Odyssey and the Iliad by Homer at least once in their lifetime.

Without Greece, the Greeks, Homer and then from them,

the Romans,

Western civilization and Democracy will not have been born.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

Thanks for your input but I was specifically speaking of the James Joyce book.

It's my (knee jerk, admittedly) opinion that many people have read The Odyssey and The Illiad. Most of the time, it's required reading in some high school courses and certainly in the basic World Literature courses that most people take their first or second year in college.

Also, through movies such as "Oh Brother Where Art Thou" the general masses are familiar (at least vaguely) with the stories of Homer.

The James Joyce book is difficult to get through. I've only been able to read 10-15 pages here and there. Very similar in experience to trying to finish Gravity's Rainbow, which is a difficult Thomas Pynchon book.

I was told by a professor once that for every 100 people who try to start reading Ulysses, only 1 will finish it. Hence, my question asking if anyone here on Eccie has completely read Ulysses by James Joyce. Thought I was clear on my query.

CG2014's Avatar
My favorite book in High School is still The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck.

My least favorite book in High School is The Scarlet Letter.

We had to write a book report on it, at least 1000 words.

I still remember the teacher taking off 6 points for each misplaced comma and period on mine which ended up with me getting a D on a very well written report.

She was more interested in punctuation than less on the content of the report which showed whether you read and understood the book or not.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
High school, for me, was 40 years ago.

I was wanting to start a discussion on what people are reading now. Or specifically about the book mentioned.

But since you mentioned your favorite book when younger during that age, there were a bunch of favorite books.

I read all of the time but right now, remember really enjoying the book The Godfather by Murio Puzo. Think that's the way it's spelled. But had never read about men having big penises and in the book, Sunny Corleone had this big penis that often women complained about.

Remember that being kindof hot at the time. Ah ... my younger days. ha!

TexTushHog's Avatar
Tried a few times. Put it down quickly both times. It just wasn’t for me. Too much work, and it seemed to be too little meat in the bone. Yeah, there are those that say otherwise, and I’m sure at some kebel they must be right, but still, I’m not wading through it.
mikehammer002001's Avatar
I was into that stuff in H/S (many many years ago) and read both as well as many others about the gods both Greek (ohhh he said Greek)and Roman, used to know them all, lol
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
I bought the Cliff Notes, and didn't read it.
I liked the Coen brother’s adaptation best.
High school, for me, was 40 years ago.

I was wanting to start a discussion on what people are reading now. Or specifically about the book mentioned.

But since you mentioned your favorite book when younger during that age, there were a bunch of favorite books.

I read all of the time but right now, remember really enjoying the book The Godfather by Murio Puzo. Think that's the way it's spelled. But had never read about men having big penises and in the book, Sunny Corleone had this big penis that often women complained about.

Remember that being kindof hot at the time. Ah ... my younger days. ha!

EW Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I love reading The Godfather by Mario Puzo. I've read a lot of novels by Mario Puzo but The Godfather was one of the best. I've read The Godfather more than 5 times over the years. Yes, it's that amazing.

Haha yes I remember Sonny's wife Sandra complaining that whenever he fucked her, her insides felt like mushy overcooked macaroni afterwards LOL. When she found out that he was fucking other women, she would light a candle on their behalf in church and pray for them. Even the most hardened putain (prostitute) would charge Sonny double after inspecting his massive juicy organ.

Lucy Mancini had a condition (I believe it was a weak pelvic floor) which meant that she had a wide loose pussy. This meant that most men couldn't satisfy her. Also most men did not receive any pleasure from fucking her because her pussy was too loose. However, Sonny with his massive luscious member, was able to bring her to orgasm and Lucy loved him for it. Lucy was very sad when Sonny was murdered by the Barzini family.

There were quite a few enjoyable sex scenes in The Godfather novel. For example, the sex scenes between Michael Corleone and his newly wed wife Apollonia Vitelli-Corleone. Or the sex scenes between Michael Corleone and his second wife, Kay Adams-Corleone.

EW, if you haven't read The Godfather in a while, I suggest you read it again. Lots of fun.
CG2014's Avatar
Beowulf was another book we read in high school.

It was written in old English which made it difficult to comprehend.

I prefer watching the Angelina Jolie's movie.
mtabsw's Avatar
And now it's "Graphic Novels".... sigh
Papacee's Avatar
They said the same about Nathaniel Hawthorne, whose previously mentioned book is responsible for millions of people never reading another book ever.
I had the same response to Joyce myself
I took an Evelyn Wood Speed Reading course just so I could plow thru Joyce's book. I got to the 2nd page and said BORING.

There were no beasts, flying dragons, heads being cut off, naked women, pitched battles fought by armies of zombies, etc. So, it was a boring book. JK

EW, if you do read it I'd love to have you tell me in 1 sentence what you think the book is about.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^ Not for most people,