NCNS NCNS on Myself!!

NCNS. It happens. Guys have lame excuses, ladies don’t pick up the phone. Everybody gets pissed off, has an opinion. The “Spidey sense” said no way when the truth was the boss called and said you gotta work late. What happens when we do it to ourselves?
I pulled into the incall this morning at 11:30, freshly showered, shiny hiney, scrubbed balls. Last minute Altoid. Easy access to the donation. I hit the OK butto on the hobby phone. No answer. This si a well respected provider, I’m not a tire kicker or a haggler, I’m easy money. So I leave a message with Google voice. Oh well. Shit happens. I’m about to pull out of the incall lot when the phone ring! Joy! She was flossing her vag or getting ready.
“This is xxxxx. We had an appointment at eleven, not eleven-thirty.” Silence. She’s holding her tongue, being a professional. I say a bunch of “oh no shit” things, but I’ve been around women long enough, I can feel her not saying “Stoopid motherfucker.” I apologize to the point of looking like an unmanly weasel. Of course she’s not still there. She waited fifteen minutes, shot me an email I was in no position to get, probably a polite but testy PM. I said look I wasn’t trying to bail, I’m an idiot. She offers a same day make-up, I can’t. I say I’ll be glad to pay the no show fee, I’m really not a jerk so we work it out for another eleven. She says it’s okay. I still know women. She’s going to count down to that next eleven o’clock with her keys in her hand waiting for my “the dog ate my homework” bullshit again.
I guess my question is, is this the right forum for posting an NCNS alert on myself? Do I get tire kicker points in the powder room for this sort of shit? What kind of world is it when you can’t even count on yourself to show up on time? I know shit happens, but it’s supposed to happen to other people. Can I whine about myself? Is that unmanly or modern? I have no idea…I failed to show up for myself…
Y0yoY0's Avatar
This isn't a Co-ed.....Moved to Alerts
It happens to the best of us doll. Just make it up to her. I'll vouch for you. He's a super sweety and yes, EASY money! Have a great weekend Phildo
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
It's not a huge deal shit happens people make mistakes. Like Kendall I know you are a good client and if someone were to trash you over a simple mistake I would set them straight real fast.

My official white knight moment lol
Dang dude... Shit happens... You take it way to serious to post all that. I would think a simple text would suffice for an offer you had to refuse. There is always another day and time
ManSlut's Avatar
Go put your balls in a bench vise and screw those jaws down tight, then say 10 Hail Mary's and 15 Our Father's, then grow a new pair of balls and be more professional with your next session (puhleeze, you didn't know what time the session was and she didn't have your number, and you didn't let her know you were on your way?)

This is one of the worst threADS. Try writing one about changing your hair color for different sessions or reveal that you've been secretly recording outcall sessions where you just lay there like a dead fish texting while the ladies ride you....This is the ECCIE CHANNEL, we deserve BETTER, Sleazy Money!!!
I know, sniveling is unmanly. It was one of those "You're okay, call me when you get here" deals. I'm usually predictable. I doubt the lady will bash me, unless I forget again, but thank you for all the WK's. God knows we all need someone who cares. (sniff, sniff). I usually enjoy busting the whiners who make noise about NCNS, and there I was, whining because of my own huge case of dumbass. Nuts in vice, saving up hobby horror stories for later.
Lauren Lane's Avatar
Loved your post. Very funny!
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
We live, poop happens, we take responsibility if our fault, and life is good. None of us are beyond making a mistake, but it's those of us who own up to them that don't have a lot of drama, karma, or more poop to deal with.

Ya done good and ya made me laugh! Can't beat that with a stick.....:-)