Honesty doesn't pay off

Just fyi. I had provided screening info to a travelling provider currently in our area and she declined seeing me for having to many no recommendations. She told me that she need to protect her business and could not risk a bad review..
Oh Don Piano's Avatar
Maybe there's a reason for the no recommendations. Did you remember to do all of the following:
  • Shower
  • Brush your teeth
  • Clip your nails
  • Have the correct amount
  • Arrive on time
  • Place the amount in plain sight
  • Not haggle over the fee
  • Be respectful
  • Don't ask for items not on the menu
  • Not overstay your welcome
  • Arrive and leave discreetly
It's not rocket science. If you got a no it's because you broke one or more of the cardinal rules.

Edit: Misread the "no" recommendations. His "no" to her, her "no" to him. Statement retracted.
I think the OP means he was denied because he wrote too many reviews on providers with a "No" recommendation.
It happens, just move on to the next contestant.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Maybe if you would do something besides backpage providers you would have a few more yes recommendations... I honestly can see her point!
  • DMike
  • 05-27-2014, 11:35 PM
yup ..like the saying goes....no one ever got rich by telling the truth
busternutzs's Avatar
Remember what Alexxx always said.

There is some truth in what CK says. The likelihood of have a bad experience from BP providers is greater.

johnboy77's Avatar
Around here... if not for BP reviews there would be no reviews at all most weeks.

I would suggest if you have been blacklisted account your honest reviews the fair thing to do would be to reveal the name of the provider that blacklisted you. That is knowledge that could prove helpful to the rest of us, and it sounds like you have nothing to lose in this matter anyway.

Even though you don't have PA at this time I believe you can still post in private if you wish to be more discrete.

And in regards to the first reply to this thread... It always amazes me how quick we are to attack one of our own before we even read the post or ascertain the facts.
john_deere's Avatar
if you have that many no's in 7 reviews you're doing it wrong.
I'd say you should probably stick with girls who either advertise on eccie or reverse look ups of their phone/picture leads to a TER page with good reviews. I had a bad encounter with a girl on BP and that was enough for me to exclusively stick to true and tried ladies.
Boy-o-boy. The responses in this thread run the gambit, and are representative of the wide variety of viewpoints on the subject.

And all are valid. If I were you, I would focus on getting your yes/no ratio up.

Is it possible you have, in the past, been more inclined to do a "no" review than a yes, to get info out to, and protect the brethren? I applaud your willingness to do no reviews, but it was not without some trepidation that I posted my first no. Precisely due to the fear that providers might see the "no's" and shy away.

And I would never let my yes/no ratio fall below one. Probably not even five. Because,

honesty doesn't [always] pay off.
john_deere's Avatar
5 no.
2 yes.

honestly, dude, you should bribe a mod to let you close that account and start over…

As a provider i ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS look at the reviews written by a potential friend..This is why...too many no's in my book = difficult friend ..but often times i will ask questions about the "no" review as there is soooo much drama in what is supposed to be a fun hobby...I also look at the review to see what type of activities are expected so that I can be up front and say my menu is diff from so and so and closer to so and so in your list of reviews ..I have had a no or two ..even haad a angry friend try to say I'm LE..So remember we are people not robots we are women which makes us emotionally. charged ..we have bad days too.... We are therapist ..dates..sex toys and we are also moms..sisters..but i have found that thosse who are unreasonable in their expectations ALWAYS. get let down and have a lot of "no" reviews ....The truth isn't bad as long as the. whole story is given .....just my 2$ worth..don't start a new profile ..start a new attitude toward us girls..its NOT. easy being a therapist ..mom..sister ..sex toy..sales womaan..advertising. agent..etc...that's looked down upon by anyone not in the hobby or sex industry ..even if you did break the cardinal rules..theres always. a way to make you experience enjoyable ..its never what you say but how you say it and attitude always reflects leadership
Well said, Lucky.
fknfun69's Avatar
+1 Lucky very well said.