Volvo mechanics

EmilyEzzell's Avatar
Anyone able to give me a better deal than the dealership??

Pm me for details
Appreciate it
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Dealerships suck!
Lunytunz's Avatar
<---vulva mechanic
pyramider's Avatar
I still tune up taints.
Rear end exhaust specialist!
Clouddancer's Avatar
PM sent
yes what year and model
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
JL, Amen to that!

To Luny, Pyramider & Angus, you are truly gifted. I'm so appreciative.
Thanks for posting

Cloud and Gordon, I responded to your pm's. Hope one of you can help. Thank you!
I fear this may not be that easy. Apparently it's expensive to have foreign car for even the simplest of things. Sigh
Papa Noel's Avatar

You may or may not know this, but Volvo is pulling out of North America after one more model year.

They only sold about 23,000 cars here last year and that is not enough to stay.
syeira pink's Avatar
I just wanted to be under Papa Noel!!!!!!!!!
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
Papa, I did not know this. Yikes! Doesn't bode well for me. I have a year and a half left of payments.
You should be fine for years to come as although they're pulling out from the US there will be many that need to be serviced for years to come as a Volvo will last for years. Even if they were not moving I'd strongly suggest you find a non-dealership mechanic as they will rake you over the coals for the most simple thing and others (with research) are just as qualified. Warning - do check first as some work that you have done, if done by a non-dealership mechanic can void the warranty.
add197531's Avatar
Daves foreign car over in Denton is FANTASTIC. I take my BMW there. I have saved MUCHO DINERO by going there. A little out of the way but worth it.
Roothead's Avatar
Swedish Auto in Addison
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
Thanks everyone. I've had a lot going on. I'm slow responding to pms. Really appreciate it!!