Role Call!

Where are all my night owls at!?

If you're like me - up until the wee hours of the morning just about every night... raise your hand and be counted for...

Or show me your boobies - even better! ;p
jhndsi's Avatar
  • romab
  • 11-06-2010, 07:13 AM
Yo !
This is all? Nobody else like to stay up?
DarthMaul's Avatar
Wow...3:00 AM and you're still awake!?

Oh yeah...I moved this to the SANDBOX!
Originally Posted by Jackie S
i love to stay up late, usually trying to find a provider after midnite, but everyone seems to be sleeping at that time
how come i can't see half of the posts on here>

I'm noticing this a lot on the site

oh yeah, and sorry for not posting in the right area!! Forgive me XO
cabletex7's Avatar
The invisible postings are between members of a super secret forum within a forum. This is how the members of this cabal communicate amongst themselves. Need a decorder ring to make visible.
notanewbie's Avatar
Captain Gus's Avatar
Wayward's Avatar
All the best posts are at 4 am.
seanes's Avatar
sorry for the late post. I was up as usual but not on the board. And rarely check the Sandbox.