Yoda and the hobby

ok...we started out hijacking a thread...but this deserves its own thread. Star Wars junkies and nerds unite....post your best Yoda quote related to the hobby!

"Fuck not, Do!"
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I will repost mine from that thread too.

"take it in the ass, she does!"
Try not do....spit not swallow!
dookiexp's Avatar
Hard I have become, my dick I sense in you!
I sensed a disturbance in the force....oh crap, cum I have
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I seem to remember a female of Yoda's species in one of the last Star Wars movies. So ladies can chime in here too..
Guest062010's Avatar
Out of batteries, I am.
rekcaSxT's Avatar

Thanks Karma!
Vibrators...sense the force you must....great disturbance I sense..erect clicts, dicks wimpy The vibrator wars are here!
GRIN OF SIN's Avatar
Out of batteries, I am. Originally Posted by karmaofaustin
Man, I know it's hard to create comedic timing on a forum, but that made me choke on my cigarette smoke when I read it.
txtraveler07's Avatar
Well, this one is lifted straight from the movie, but I think it still applies: "Size matters not ... Look at me. Judge me by size, do you?"
Sense you cuming, she will.
Use the force, you must.
Swallow, she will.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Spit she wont
missi hart's Avatar
fuck you, i will. yesss, yesss...
Onceler's Avatar
Feel the Force flowing from you....
Fear.. aggression.. anal sex.. The DARK side are those...

...your schwartz is as big as mine...