San Antonio - Fake Police badges? WTF

Hi everyone,

In the past couple of days I've had two gentlemen pull out a police badge on me, both acting very nervous and like they were up to no good. I simply opened the door, kindly asked them to leave, and that was that. Howevever I seriously doubt they were real police so....what is the point of that? Why would someone even bring that unless they were real? I dont know if I should be worried or if I should just start seriously frisking everyone.
I am sure theres more to this than you're telling us here. If you think they are Police Impersonators you should contact San Antonio PD and report them. Impersonating a Police Officer is a crime.
You may want to check the San Antonio alerts. I think there are several alerts re a guy pretending to be a cop. He has been around for years and I wouldn't be surprised if it the same one. His description is posted in one or more of the alerts but you may have to search for it.
Likely they were hoping to intimidate you into a free date, or were up to something else nefarious. Good for you for immediately showing them the door; I'm glad they went peacefully. As the above replies state, impersonating a police officer is a crime -- and not a minor one. It's a felony offense, though offhand I don't remember to what degree.

In addition, some of the worst alerts I've seen (rape, assault, false imprisonment/kidnapping, robbery, etc.) have involved clients impersonating police, and typically they're repeat offenders. If you haven't already, an alert in the SA alerts or Ladies Only area and/or on would be greatly appreciated!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Likely they were hoping to intimidate you into a free date, or were up to something else nefarious. Good for you for immediately showing them the door; I'm glad they went peacefully. As the above replies state, impersonating a police officer is a crime -- and not a minor one. It's a felony offense, though offhand I don't remember to what degree.

In addition, some of the worst alerts I've seen (rape, assault, false imprisonment/kidnapping, robbery, etc.) have involved clients impersonating police, and typically they're repeat offenders. If you haven't already, an alert in the SA alerts or Ladies Only area and/or on would be greatly appreciated! Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
This is spot on.
pyramider's Avatar
Fake cops, fake rock stars w/ no limo, where does it end?
Tx. Penal code 37.11 states that a person who claims to be a public servant and tries to induce another to submit to his/her authority commits an offense that is a third degree felony. Not a lawyer, but the penal code is not too hard to scan online. And the powers that be tend to take a real dim view of the persons who commit such an offense. Just saying. And it seems like cops tend to get real pissed when somebody impersonates them. Sure seems like a bad way to try and get a date and real stupid.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
He's looking for a freebie...flashing a badge to scare you into giving it up for free. Fuck that! Kick him to the curb!

If it was a real cop, you would have been busted regardless of what you did and a bunch of his buddies would have been coming in the door.
any real cop is not going to go peacefully unless you have handcuffs on. report is ass....and that can be done anonymously.

smooth move if the bastard gets away with if she realizes it halfway thru session and calls cops and splits on him while he is washing up.
  • anita
  • 04-26-2011, 04:25 PM
A real cop doesn't leave after flashing his badge. He just bust you and wait for co-workers or even better have a car ready for you. Just be more careful girlie.
glad youre not hurt!!
serious question
say hes fake--ok he committed a felony.
but what does she tell the "real" police?
theyre gonna have questions, so in a way, shes ratting herself out
(if he caused her actual harm, im alll for going to the cops. id deal with the rest later)

in this situation, kinda like youre damned if you do, damned if you dont
hope you posted his info in alerts, and let his refs know
JoanJet's Avatar
They did it back in the day where i am from to try and get a free date. If you get a chance and see a cute cop ask him to look at his , then you know what a real one looks like. Just an idea. I did that once and fell in love with the
Melanie --

I don't know the circumstances under which these clowns flashed badges at you.

Morons impersonating law officers, pathetically attempting to get "freebies" from the ladies here in the Alamo City, have occasionally been a problem:

What I recommend in the future:

1. Pick up your cell 'phone.

2. Calmly tell him/them, "Excuse me, officer(s), but before we go any further, I need to verify that you are indeed with the San Antonio Police Dept. I'll need both your name(s) and your badge number(s), please." (You do have the right, as a citizen, to conduct such a check.)

3. Dial the non-emergency number, 210-207-7273, of the SAPD.

4. Make sure these guys are standing outside your door. Reason: If they are imposters, you don't want to be cleaning up your carpet when they shit their pants.