If you frequent adult book/video stores in Dallas it rests in sticky puddles and gobs on the floors and walls.
If you're inclined to enjoy the erotic delights that might be found in SC's you might be resting atop sticky seat cushions saturated with the goo of visitors past. Don't even think about touching the walls or the back of that chair!
If you slip into one of the booths at some clubs where the "alternative lifestyle" is practiced the underside of the table might have large gobs of guy goo dangling precipitously close to your hands so properly resting mere inches from the slimy seed above or waiting in cooling strands for the fine leather of your shoes to pick up and take home.
Do you care? Are desires so intense and blind that blobs of dangling protein from horny-men-of-encounters-past are an afterthought? Does popping...shooting...blowing one's load.....cumming....whatever mean more than basic hygiene and good manners?
Perhaps my upbringing or twisted desire for clean surroundings (i.e. spooge free and if not mine..not on me!) triggered this little mini-rant...but come on!