It was 10 years ago yesterday

TheDaliLama's Avatar
It was 10 years ago yesterday....

A day which will live in infamy....


LuckOfTheOrient's Avatar
I'm lost.
What happened again?
All I see are a bunch of pictures.
I thought it was 20 years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play?
chicagoboy's Avatar
It was 10 years ago yesterday....

A day which will live in infamy....

11-16-04 Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
We didn't know how good we had it.
I'm wondering where I was that day.

Idea: I'll check my Palm Pilot calender. It's in the junk drawer.
john353's Avatar
We didn't know how good we had it. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Oh how true a statement.

For those in the was the infamous Black Tuesday.

Perhaps it is time to dust off "Exile Rocks" and raise a glass in remembrance. LOL.
U.S. U.S.A. Condoleezza Rice Nov. 16th, 2004 : President George W. Bush nominates National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice for Secretary of State.
I fucked Condeleeeeza in the ass that day to celebrate Black Tuesday.

Bummer of a day actually.
ZedX79's Avatar
Greybeard44's Avatar
I watched my copy of Exile Rules just to remind myself. Bless you Dali for creating that memorial.
DaChef's Avatar
Like All in The Family
Those Where the Days.
Glad I was a part of it.
713hobbyman's Avatar
Chicago Boy is absolutely right…."we don't know how good we had it"...
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I wonder what happened to alot of friends from back then..
Phil Hardman's Avatar
We didn't know how good we had it. Originally Posted by chicagoboy