Info wanted trailer mulberry south of Gibson

This provider used to stay at a trailer on mulberry south of Gibson. Smoking hot. I’d like to hang again. Anyone know contact info?
not much to go on here. Name???? hair color????? height??? Chances are VERY high that SHE does not want to be contacted.
Blonde. I don’t think the physical description is an issue and you’re assuming a lot. I made the in call location pretty obvious. If you know, you know. I don’t have phone numbers saved. Should have — I think it would a creeper move to walk up to the place — so I was hoping someone might have her number.
  • ga575
  • 10-29-2021, 03:15 PM
Are you talking about Cherry, the blonde BBW?
No, she’s not bbw at all. Obviously I wish I had more info. Like her number. Then I get rid of this post. But I don’t remember it. It’s like literally two or three phones ago.
this be the one? Originally Posted by Tr3ndy
I guess she is fake , she lives in Florida and she is a model if am not wrong , anyone went to visit her ?