Why are so many so silent about trafficking lies?

Hentai's Avatar
Excuse me if I am way off base, but when I look into the "research" on trafficking from anti SW NGOs (abolitionists) pretending to be anti-trafficking organizations, it all seems to be loaded with fake data.

I mean the Bureau of Justice Statistics don't seem to align. The "studies" seem to be "risk assessment" when they come from universities. When we have these busts in the news, they seem to be just "possible cases" or "alleged" but nothing is ever really definitively proven unless it is say related to a drug cartel or something really off the wall.

So I ask, have I missed something or is this a fake fearmongering tactic that we won't speak up against because we're afraid to show our support for the SW community openly?

Just seems like I am one of the few people out there making fake facebook profiles to argue this on news websites as they push more people into moral outrage.

Why won't people who support SW actually... I don't know... try to actually decrim through some form of activism?

Just my questions really. It seems that there are easily thousands of us and we could easily make even a fake account on Facebook unrelated to our families and be all over the Dallas Morning News comment section every time they push these nonsensical prude abolitionist stories.

Something has to give, we're the only people who don't defend what we believe in or at least believe people should have the freedom to do, which is work as a sex worker or be a client.

Just blows my mind.
playerplano's Avatar
I think the social stigma still exists so people hesitate to support SW. As far as trafficking is concerned anyone who says all SW or zero SW are trafficked are both wrong. People point to Asian SW for the trafficking but young girls are coerced across America daily. That’s the real trafficking problem.
Chung Tran's Avatar
So I ask, have I missed something or is this a fake fearmongering tactic that we won't speak up against because we're afraid to show our support for the SW community openly?

Something has to give, we're the only people who don't defend what we believe in or at least believe people should have the freedom to do, which is work as a sex worker or be a client.
Originally Posted by Hentai
it is too complex an issue, to give a satisfactory response. let's start with the idea that Newspapers and other news dispensers, are in the business of making money, NOT promoting truth. they will "game" a weather forecast to "sell" fear.. 5 days in advance of a coming storm, they warn viewers to put up plywood, stock up on bottled water.. this gives the News outlet 5 days of heavy viewership, and when the "storm" turns into a sprinkle? oh well. it's easy to sell the idea that girls are trafficked far beyond what credulity would dictate.. tap into FEAR. there's an Insurance Commercial running now, where a cute 18 year old white girl is said to have had an accident, and the Insurance Company "handled everything", making her parents so relieved. cute 18 year old white girls, and their safety, is a hot button, easily fear-mongered item to promote.

then there's the flipside that fuels my cynicism. the Nigerian kidnapping of scores of schoolgirls, by the Boko Haram 5 years ago. Michelle Obama wore a t-shirt saying "free our girls", for a couple of months, and that was it.. most of the girls are still captives today. if you care about trafficking, why not start with caring about the freedom of these Nigerian girls?

don't tell me it's apples and oranges. that's just more excuses to do nothing. if the Nigerian girls had been white, and kidnapped in Ohio, they would have been freed in 48 hours.
TheOracle's Avatar
We're in a very "gynocentric" time right now. The issue with sex work is:

1) The government has to figure out how to tax/monetize it so they can get their cut.

2) And possibly the biggest issue...women have a lot of political sway right now and the average woman will NEVER support legal sex work because they know it would spell doom for them. You would be in for quite a battle. Women will fight it tooth and nail. Trust.
TinMan's Avatar
Folks want to see black and white where a lot of gray exists. Even more so in today’s world.

I don’t know if there will ever be a time (at least while I’m alive) to mobilize for change, but I’m pretty sure now is not the time.
I think you answer your own question when you said you are tired of creating fake facebook accounts.....Most do not want their hobby preferences made public just like you do not. And there are probably a lot of people who are not involved in the hobby who would be in favor of legalization but are not going to speak up because people would frame them as traffickers. Years ago a popular free email service was screening emails via computer program and flagged one due to pictures being transmitted and the person was arrested after authorities were notified. I merely mentioned a concern about where this could lead to routine invasions of privacy and got flamed and accused of being a pedofile myself. And I have come to the conclusion that many who are in the selling end of the hobby have mixed feelings or actually do not want everything legalized because they believe it would increase supply and decrease revenue. As Chung said this is a very complex issue that will be difficult to change. Even in Nevada where brothels are legal they are only allowed in very rural areas neatly tucked out of sight. I can easily see if it were legalized a huge fight as most people would fight to make sure they were located in someone else's neighborhood.I am reminded one place where I lived where a city councilman proposed a red light district be created. Another councilman agreed it was a great idea and said how about we put that in your district. Discussion immediately ended. LOL
Hentai's Avatar
I agree with what everyone has said but really, we have one life that we know of without any doubt. Shame that we don't have the collective testicular and ovarian fortitude to stand our ground at least using fake profiles.

I'm calling it right now, the hobby will become incredibly hard to pursue without severe consequences in 10 years. We're growing more prudish and censored by the day. If we won't stand up and convince the masses that we aren't going to lay down and take this, we will find the hobby mostly destroyed altogether. They'll eventually keep tabs just about everywhere.

Some say it can't be stopped but I'm convinced we live in the future and with tech there's nowhere to hide so we're going to have to eventually let our bible bending aunts know we bang Asian chicks in the ass on the regular and to live her life her way without controlling ours.

As for the business aspects, if it's accepted then more demand will exist. Millions of men won't risk the stigma or taint their ego by paying for it.

One day, I hope I can get a BJ with my grand slam at Denny's. There's opportunity if the world ever changes. (That's not unrealistic, it exists in Switzerland actually, not Denny's though)
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
Chung and Bobbyman are sexy trafficking victims
The things those Asians do to them and then they make them write it all down as confessions is barbaric.
Save Chung and Bobby. The Real Victims.