Good Luck to You, Leo Grande

Aonegonexx's Avatar
Watched this movie.

Interesting take when roles are reversed between provider and client.
pmdelites's Avatar
from a quick search on the web...

"7.1/10 IMDb ... 95% Rotten Tomatoes ... 78% Metacritic
86% liked this movie

Retired widow Nancy Stokes hires a good-looking young sex worker called Leo Grande, in the hope of enjoying a night of pleasure and self-discovery after an unfulfilling married life."

so, how does it cum out in the end??
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I think the biggest factor if the roles were reversed is when the male escort does not find a female client attractive or whatever the non motivating factor is, it is going to be very difficult to "get it up" without help so to speak. While on the other hand, a female escort can fake it and if she is real good at IOP, her client is none the wiser.
texassapper's Avatar
My wife and I watched it the other day. Pretty good movie... Better than some of the junk coming out of Hollywood. She's hired cowboysforangels when we've been in Vegas 3-4 times and have had positive experiences across the board. The guys have all said that yes, they come prepared with little blue pills in case the client isn't attractive. It's worth the watch.
Pangolier's Avatar
I would think a guy would not sign up for that occupation unless he's prepared to shag elderly women. If he finds himself in an awkward moment, he'd be better off abandoning the sex work and getting a white collar job. Women with good resumes, including education and work history shouldn't have this problem either. But the demand side is flipped.

I think part of the problem is many women don't necessarily set themselves up to good career prospects when they are 20, or they find out that job as a teacher or crime scene examiner either doesn't pay as well as they hoped, or is intolerable. Women in a lot of debt have natural assets to work with, especially if they are pretty. Not as much with guys...

I think men are more likely to simply endure financial suffering than get it on with strangers they aren't attracted to. Then again, many male sex workers are either gay or bisexual, as get much of their business from guys instead of girls.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Watched the movie this past weekend.

I found some of it to be very annoying and someone must have either spoken to a female sex worker or knew what we have to deal with on a regular basis.

"Am I attractive enough?" "Are you doing this just for the money" "I did an internet search and found out your real name." SO frigging annoying and relatable.

The movie, itself, was really good and the (male sex worker) actor was so attractive. Those eyes!!!

However, it showed what a sex worker has to go through when meeting someone for the first time.

It doesn't have to do with getting a dick hard, or a pussy wet, the film dealt with a connection between two people. Both had what it takes.

Besides, Emma Thompson is beautiful. Even naked. Why would any man not be attracted to that?

Why isn't this in the theater instead of a movie? Seems like a play would be perfect for the story line.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Watched this movie.

Interesting take when roles are reversed between provider and client. Originally Posted by Aonegonexx

Thanks for starting this topic! I haven't been online on Eccie, or participating, for a pretty long time. And thought this might be a good topic to start. Glad you began the conversation!
I have seen the movie. Interesting perspectives. Would not watch it again,but didn't waste my time.
I remember American Gigalo, 1980. It covered some of the darker side of things too. I have watched it several times. This movie, once was enough
Pangolier's Avatar
Watched it. Actually found it kind of disturbing and difficult to watch at times. However, when compared to people I've met from the industry, this is a perfect example of how all clients and providers can be different. I've had girls willing volunteer their personal info and invite me into their personal lives. Not all of them choose to do that, but some of them did. Some are in it for supplemental income, while others do it full time. The movie kind of suggests that all clients and providers are of the same personality type... this ain't the case, at least not all of the time. Though many of them do share numerous things in common.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Flashback to mid 80s for me. Got called in to a hotel to handle a fire alarm incident. Anywho, of the guests walking back in, a mid-50s gal in a robe had a tall blonde buff early 30s guy in a robe. She just paraded him though the lobby. The desk crew I was teaching how to write the incident report were quietly amused. The desk crew gal whispered good for her, the desk crew guy totally blushed.
Pangolier's Avatar
I think the script writers wanted to project what women back in the '50s wanted. I think ever since the explosion of the internet and social media, young girls these days are no longer looking for their "knight in shining armor" I guess that is why Emma "Nancy" was in her 50s or 60s as a character. The girls who were born into the area of facebook, let's say 2000 or 2005 for example, haven't turned 40 or 50 years old yet. Hell, a girl born in 2000 is barely past 20 now. It will be interesting to see if they are looking for their "romantic hero" when they turn 50, because damn surely none of them are looking for that now.
Aonegonexx's Avatar
I think the script writers wanted to project what women back in the '50s wanted. Originally Posted by Pangolier
You are right about this part. Its sort of about woman's sexual needs and the liberation. She is a teacher, possibly shy, traditional, and despite being a widow thinks that using a sex worker will be cheating on her husband and also had bad experience with her husband. How she comes around all of that, is the movie. In the end she even apologizes to her former student.