any info please

  • ea6b
  • 02-08-2022, 07:49 AM
TryWeakly's Avatar
Maybe if you ask in CoEd it may yield results.
latinluvr465's Avatar
Come on man. Do you EVER use the search function? I'm not kidding, it opens up all sorts of doors and will eliminate a majority of your questions.
TryWeakly's Avatar
The ruse continues....
latinluvr465's Avatar
I guess some attention is better than no attention.
I already responded to his question about this shop on a different forum on this site, there are reviews and not just by me.
Uomo's Avatar
  • Uomo
  • 02-08-2022, 10:43 AM
Great place, pics are accurate and they all provide greek for no up-charge. The drive is only 20 minutes. Ask for Coco or Angel or Tina
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Not an encounter, moved
Bush_Pilot's Avatar
Poll time!

A) everyone who responded to his previous thread is on his ignore list so he doesn’t see an answer.

B) looked in AMP section and didn’t see thread. Has no clue how to find anything here so thought it was deleted.

What’re the odds on an identical post tomorrow?