Praise Jesus divided by darwin=Louisiana public schools

Check this shit out

These are public tax dollars being wasted
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Let me do some research on this but the biggest weakness so far is that these claims are "documented" by statements in a legal complaint that has not be ajudicated yet. So, as of yet, there is no evidence only claims. You can see that near the end of your link.

Back again...what is the name of the school? It appears no where in this article. Those links don't go to anything except a site that requires a password to access. Your case is getting weaker.

New fact, there are 12 public schools in Sabine Parish serving over 4,000 students. So there is not one, single, Sabine Parish public school. Weaker and weaker.

Okay, this whole thing is about a single suit filed by the ACLU on the behalf of a single family with Buddhist children. All of these "facts" are the claims that are made in legal filing. None of these claims have been verified.

I think you lost your case but it was fun doing the work you should have done. One last thing, the author of the story.

Can't really confirm what Andrew Cohen has written. There are too many of them and Andys too. However, looking at the Daily Beast I can see a left wing, on line magazine that delights in printing poorly researched but heavy in partisan claims "news stories". I think FuckZup will love the story about George Washington being a zombie.

I think we're done here.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Dimwitted ignorance begets dimwitted ignorance.

The future of ECCIE in training!
I make no claims of validity or lack thereof. Just a copy and paste.
I thought it was an amusing read. If true... Wow.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I think the sarcastic tone weakens the argument and just because of it I have tolerance for that which I may not have had.
Washington (Congress and Obama) spend us into oblivion, violate liberties and privacy, conduct wars on the middle class, dumbs our public school system down (Common Core) and you are jerking off over a local social issue g on in Louisiana schools ???

Get a fucking life.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Let me do some research on this but the biggest weakness so far is that these claims are "documented" by statements in a legal complaint that has not be ajudicated yet. So, as of yet, there is no evidence only claims. You can see that near the end of your link.

Back again...what is the name of the school? It appears no where in this article. Those links don't go to anything except a site that requires a password to access. Your case is getting weaker.

New fact, there are 12 public schools in Sabine Parish serving over 4,000 students. So there is not one, single, Sabine Parish public school. Weaker and weaker.

Okay, this whole thing is about a single suit filed by the ACLU on the behalf of a single family with Buddhist children. All of these "facts" are the claims that are made in legal filing. None of these claims have been verified.

I think you lost your case but it was fun doing the work you should have done. One last thing, the author of the story.

Can't really confirm what Andrew Cohen has written. There are too many of them and Andys too. However, looking at the Daily Beast I can see a left wing, on line magazine that delights in printing poorly researched but heavy in partisan claims "news stories". I think FuckZup will love the story about George Washington being a zombie.

I think we're done here. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Have you any opinion on the story, admiral? Apparently you've spent your holy day trying to rip this story apart rather than to tell us how you feel about the issue.

I suppose you already have.

George Washington wasn't a zombie. But George Washington Carver was nuts!

You probably have a picture of his JUNK to prove it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Washington (Congress and Obama) spend us into oblivion, violate liberties and privacy, conduct wars on the middle class, dumbs our public school system down (Common Core) and you are jerking off over a local social issue g on in Louisiana schools ???

Get a fucking life. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yeah, you're the right guy to tell people what's important to them.

God Bless the first fucking amendment.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-26-2014, 01:15 PM
I would say that this should be legal in a private school, discouraged in a public school, but not hatefully so.
LexusLover's Avatar
For a state full of gabbling, drinking, fucking, and fun .... a little God won't hurt at all.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-26-2014, 02:51 PM
I would say that this should be legal in a private school, discouraged in a public school, but not hatefully so. Originally Posted by BJerk
Thanks for a bit of sanity, though I would say it should be more than "discouraged" IF THIS IS TRUE. It is blatantly wrong. The sad part is it wouldn't shock me if it turns out to be true.

It is that kind of mindset that makes it hard to take Thumpers seriously. It is exactly that attitude that matches the Taliban I tollerance--but of course the Bible Thumpers refuse to see they can be as dogmatic as the Quran Thumpers.

And JB refuses to say whether such actions WOULD BE WRONG. And of course Dizzying says it'no big deal. I really wonder how Dizzy would react if his kids came home and told him they needed to buy some prayer rugs for the next day's call to face Mecca. I'm sure he would be very accepting of it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Washington (Congress and Obama) spend us into oblivion, violate liberties and privacy, conduct wars on the middle class, dumbs our public school system down (Common Core) and you are jerking off over a local social issue g on in Louisiana schools ???

Get a fucking life. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
This is about ONE teacher in ONE school in the state of Louisiana. I guess we are supposed to accept that all those people in Louisiana are just a bunch of backward, illiterate yokels.

I guess the word for the day is "TROLL" and the concept is "time wasting".

This is about ONE teacher in ONE school in the state of Louisiana. I guess we are supposed to accept that all those people in Louisiana are just a bunch of backward, illiterate yokels.

I guess the word for the day is "TROLL" and the concept is "time wasting". Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-26-2014, 04:20 PM
No, if true it is a lot more than one teacher. It would be the entire district and including multiple teachers.

And neither of you have an issue with that it seems.

If it is true, of course.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No, if true it is a lot more than one teacher. It would be the entire district and including multiple teachers.

And neither of you have an issue with that it seems.

If it is true, of course. Originally Posted by Old-T
Read the story and my rebuttal. This story is about one teacher and not the 12 schools in the district. Where is the story about the other schools? You seem to be willing to crucify someone and the district without proof. And you're okay with that.